Wednesday, 17 September 2014

New story

The students have been shown the new story called "le garçon qui joue des tours".  Ask you son/daughter what it's about.  The grade 9s have completed their first assignment and the grade 8s will see it in a few weeks.
So far we have been mainly talking french  in class, establishing the daily routines, and learning how to ask and answer basic questions.  Reading and written work should start in a few weeks.
There won't be any "homework" until students get a copy of the story, at that point their daily homework should be to read the story once per night so they get very familiar with it.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Great first cycle

The first 6 day cycle is finished and we have had a great start up.  Students are learning opening and closing routines (all in French), vocab words and how to make small sentences with them.  I will be introducing our story in the next week or 2.