Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Gr 8 routines

Here are the routines the grade 8s have been doing for a month, not only should they know how to say them, they should also know how to read them and write them.

Watch the accents on tete and Francais, my computer did not want to add them today.

Ouvre la tete et prends l'anglais et mets dans la poche, prends la Francais et mets dans la tete, ferme la tete. Maintenant la classe de Francais commence et tout le monde doit parler seulement en Francais.

Combien de pinces est-ce que ton groupe a?

Mon groupe a _______ pinces.

Combien de pinces est-ce que ton groupe a besoin de?

Mon groupe a besoin de ____ pinces.

Mon groupe n'a pas besoin de pinces.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Choisis le bon mot

Grade 8s are working on an assignment called choisis le bon mot, they have to read they sentence and pick write the missing word in the space.  It is important that students say the sentence out loud so they can improve their reading and speaking skills.  This will be due soon.