Friday, 18 March 2016

Missing assignments

Some students are still need to hand late work in, please check the online portal to see if your child is missing anything. 

Grade 9s

The grade 9s are currently re-writing the story Veux-tu Danser?  We will not have time to finish before Spring Break, it will be due some time in April.  They are being challenged to use verbs in the past, present and future.  They are also learning to use singular and plural verbs.  Once the re-write is done we will move on to our next story.  I hope to add in 2 class projects/presentations before the end of the year.

Grade 8s

The grade 8s will be presenting the play Salut mon Ami Wednesday, March 23rd. They are expected to have their part memorized, we have been practicing the play in our groups for a few weeks now.  This is an important step when it comes time to re-tell the story in their own words.