Monday, 11 September 2017

Travel Trip

We want to take a trip to Montreal and Quebec City at the end of June.  The tentative dates are June 19-24.  Info packages have gone home, please sign them and return the by this Friday if you are interested in going.  If we have enough interest we will set a date for a parent meeting.
Feel free to email me with any questions.

Good start

It has been a good start, I have finally seen all my classes.  The first marks for participation has been added to the portal.  Take a look and see how you child has started off.

Friday, 13 January 2017

Gr 9 French

Students are currently writing the story in their own words.  They must stay away from google translate.
They will be given time to write and edit during class.  My hope is that there is little to no homework.

Gr 8 French

He is a sheet with the opposites we are working on.  You will need to know the opposite and how to spell it when we have our quiz. 


gr 7 French

I hope you are enjoying your couple of days off.  Our integer test will be Monday.