Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Report Cards

IReport cards are coming soon and I want to explain how I do them.
The % you see is based on what your child can do in French class, through a literacy based approach.  We started with lots of talking, moved into reading and have progressed into writing.  The 2 main things we focused on in term 1 were the routines to start class and learning the play.  (Students are expected to read the play every night for 5 minutes for homework.)

The other part of the report cards is the behaviour section.  The Cs, Us, Ss and Rs.  As a parent myself, I want the most accurate reflection possible of how my child is doing in class.  It is important to know that I expect students to speak in French to one another.  The routines are the stepping stones of how to speak in French.  I understand that it may be difficult to speak in French but I only get students for a max of 45 minutes per day, some days 0.  I need them to work as hard as they can for that time.

As a teacher, I want to explain to you, the parents, what I look for for the behaviour part of the report cards.

A.  Personal management skills  Here, I look to see if they use class time wisely and do they fulfill task expectations.  My main task expectation is to speak only in French.  It may be difficult but it is possible.  I look to see if students speak in French, always, usually, sometimes or never.  The best way to get better and to work on using the language is by actually using the language,  we all spoke English to learn English, students must speak in French to learn French.

B.  Active participation  Here, I look to see if students are engaged in the lesson.  Are they asking/answering question during class?  Are they engaged in the work?  Are they willing to try to speak in French during the routines and when I am gesturing in front of the class?   Also, are assignments turned in on time and neat.

C.  Social responsibility Here I look to see how students get along with others, how they resolve conflicts and how they follow class/school rules.

It is my goal to give you, the parents, the most accurate reflection of how the year is going.  I want to make it very clear that the % and the behaviours are totally different.  % comes from assignments and tests, the CUSR comes from they way they act and the effort they put in to speaking in French.

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