Thursday, 4 June 2020

le 4 juin

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone id doing well and getting outdoors to enjoy the weather.

The culture projects are starting to come in, there have been some excellent PowerPoints sent in to me so far.  I appreciate the time and effort it has taken you to complete.

If you have any questions about it, please email me.

Have a great day everyone.

Monday, 1 June 2020

Check in

Hi everyone,
I hope you all got outside this weekend, it was beautiful.  I spent time working on my backyard and building a basketball net for my kids.

I wanted to check in to see how your research project was going.  Some have asked if you can do something other than a powerpoint.  The 2 most common suggestions  were a video and  a poster.  If you want to do something like that, that would be good.

If you have any questions or want to bounce any ideas off me, please send an email anytime.

Have a great day.

Monday, 25 May 2020

Culture Project

Hi everyone,
I hope you had a good weekend.
Here is your project that has a due date of June 11th.  I do not expect the work to be handed in this week or next week.  Take your time and do some research.

I would like you to do some research and create a power point.   There are no minimum or maximum number of slides.  If you are the person that needs a number, try for 6-10 slides.
Include picture too.  Your writing can be in English.  The assignment is to learn more about French culture.

I would like you to research something related to French culture.  Some ideas are:

1.  Paris
2.  The Eiffel Tower
3.  Versailles
4.  Le Louvre
5.  Any French speaking country
6.  Louis XIV
7.  Samuel de Champlain
8.  Saint Lawrence River
9.  The battle on the Plains of Abraham
10.  Paul de Chomedey de Maisonneuve
11.  Anything else that interests you.

This is an open assignment, report on what you leaned or found to be interesting.

Please email your powerpoint to me on or before June 11th.

Please contact me with any questions you might have.

Friday, 22 May 2020

le 22 mai Grade 9s

Good morning,
Here are the words for the final 2 pages of the play (p 32 and 33)
1.  Serving tray
2.  Everyone
3.  Know
4.  Our
5.  Pulls

le 22 mai Grade 8s

Good morning,
Today is a Duolingo day, play for 10-20 minutes.
Have a good weekend.

Thursday, 21 May 2020

le 21 mai Grade 9s

Bonne matin,
Here are the words from the 8th page (p. 31)
1.  Happy
2.  Enough
3.  Only
4.  Couch
5.  In the middle of

le 21 mai Grade 8s

Hi everyone,
Here are the words for the last page of the story.
1.  Misses
2.  Together
3.  My
4.  Falls
5.  Cry

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

le 20 mai Grade 9s

Good morning,
Here are the words from the 7th page (P. 30)
1.  To share
2.  Understand
3.  Sausages
4.  Standing
5.  Too loud

le 20 mai Grade 8s

Good morning everyone,
Here are the words for the 7th page (p. 29)
1.  Finger
2.  Understand
3.  Left (the direction)
4.  Sings
5.  Strong

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

le 19 mai Grade 9s

Hi everyone,
Here are the words form the 6th page (p. 29)
1.  Kind
2.  Hood
3.  For a long time
4.  Someone
5. I will show you

le 19 mai Grade 8s

I hope you all had a good long weekend.
Here are the words for the 6th page (P. 28).
1.  Fell
2.  Good looking
3.  Hoodie
4.  Contest
5.  Slice

Friday, 15 May 2020

le 15 mai Grade 9s

Good morning,
Here are the words from 5th page (p. 28)
1.  Shakes
2.  Cheek
3.  Nervous
4.  All alone
5.  Work hard.

le 15 mai Grade 8s

Hi everyone,
Here are the words for the 5th page (27)
1.  Things
2.  Need
3.  Watch (The thing that goes on your wrist)
4.  Someone
5.  Sad

Thursday, 14 May 2020

le 14 mai Grade 9s

Hello everyone,
Here are the words from the 4th page (p.27)
1.  Ear
2.  Young
3.  Pushes
4.  Arms
5.  Smiles

le 14 mai Grade 8

Hi everyone,
Here are the words for the 4th page (26).

1.  Maybe
2.  Busy
3.  Buy
4.  Wants
5.  Go there!!!!!

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

le 13 mai Grade 9s

Good morning,
Here are the words for the 3rd page of the story (p. 26)
1.  Someone
2.  Tie
3.  Outside
4.  Has to be
5.  Hole

le 13 mai Grade 8s

Hi everyone,
Here are the words for the 3rd page of the story (page 25)

1.  Hair
2.  Doesn't listen
3.  Go out with
4.  Strong
5.  With

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

le 12 mai Grade 9s

Hi everyone,
It is the same assignment as yesterday.
Here are the words for the second page (p. 25)
1.  In front of
2.  Good evening
3.  Believe it
4.  I'm going
5.  Starts

le 12 mai grade 8s

Hi everyone,
How are you doing?
Same work as yesterday, today we are working on the second page of the story (page 24).

1.  Someone
2.  Nose
3.  Whispers
4.  Hides.
5.  To be

Monday, 11 May 2020

le 11 mai Grade 9s

Hi everyone,
How is everyone doing?

I am going to give you some English words.  Your job will be to look through the 1st page of the play, find the French word and rewrite the sentence it is in.

For example, if I give you the word friends.  You will need to know hand in French means amis.
Then you find the word friends in the first line of the play and you will write the sentence "Rejean et Sylvie sont maintenant amis."

Here are you5 words for the first page of the play.
1.  Meet
2.  Whispers
3.  Kitchen
4.  Teacher
5.  Can't wait.

le 11 mai grade 8s

Hi everyone,
How is everyone doing?

I am going to give you some English words.  Your job will be to look through the 1st page of the play, find the French word and rewrite the sentence it is in.

For example, if I give you the word hand.  You will need to know hand in French means main.
Then you find the word main in the first bracket of the play and you will write the sentence "Elle a une robe dans une main et une jupe dans l'autre main."
The 5 words for today are:
1.  story
2.  night
3.  smiles
4.  wants
5.  store.

You can write or type the assignment.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

le 6-8 mai

Good morning,
For the rest of the week, I would like you to finish the words that you do now understand for the remainder of the play.
If you finish and the work is sent to me, you can read the story and/or play Duolingo.
Hope you all have a good day.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

le 5 mai

Good morning everyone,
Thanks to everyone that has been sending the work to me.

I would like you to continue to write the words that are difficult on each page and figure out what they mean in English.  Your goal is to finish the entire story by Friday..
Please send me the reainder of the words when they are all finished.  Yes, they can all be on the same paper.
Hope you all have a good day.
Stay safe.

Sunday, 3 May 2020

le 4 mai

Hi everyone,
Happy Star Wars day.  I hope you all have a good weekend.

Today we are going to continue to work on verbs in passé composé.
We are going to start by conjugating some "er" verbs in the past.
We are going to try 5 "er" verbs today.

Here is what you need to do.  We will start with regarder.  Here is what you need to write/type out.
If you type it, please try to get the accents

Regarder (to watch)
J'ai regardé (I watched)
Tu as regardé (You watched)
Il/Elle a regardé (He/She watched)
Nous avons regardé (We watched)
Vous avez regardé (You guys watched)
Ils/Elles ont regardé

I gave you Jouer as your example.
Your job today is to do the verbs acheter, lancer, manger and parler.
If you have any questions, send me an email.
Have a good day.

Friday, 1 May 2020

le 1 mai

Welcome to a new month.

We have worked lots of the past, today I want to show you the "Future Proche"

The ability to talk about the future, what is going to happen.

We will start with this video.
Watch this video

The chorus is the really important part.

To talk in the "Future Proche", you need to take the verb Aller and add an infinitif.

Je vais
Tu vas
Il va
Elle va
Nous allons
Vous allez
Ils vont
Elles vont

Some of the more common infinitif that I think you will use are, parler, jouer, manger, lire, faire, regarder, aller, danser, acheter, visiter.  I think that is all I want to start with.

We will start by making sentences about what you are going to do on the weekend.
"Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire pendant la fin de semaine?"

Here are some examples.

Je vais manger la pizza pendant la fin de semiane.
Je vais jouer volleyball pendant la fin de semaine.  (you don't always have to put pendant la fin de semaine)
Je vais regarder Toy Story avec mon ami.
Je vais lire Harry Potter dans ma chambre.
Je vais aller dehors.

If you wanted to include a family member, you can say we (nous)
Nous allons jouer au hockey avec Dave.
Nous allons regarder un film dans le salon.

The best part of the "Future Proche", there are no exceptions at all.

Watch the video and try 2 sentences on your own.  This is something that we will continue to work on.

Have a good weekend.

french Memes & GIFs - Imgflip

Thursday, 30 April 2020

le 30 avril

Good morning everyone.
Your job today is to play at least 2 rounds of duolingo., with a small catch.
When you play the app. repeat the sounds, words or phrases that they are trying to teach you.  Listen and repeat it back, feel free to listen to the sound more than once.  Your goal isn't to finish 2 rounds as quick as possible but to be able to speak a little bit of French as well.
Stay safe everyone.

English meme & French meme — Steemit

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

le 29 avril

Hi everyone,
I was really impressed with the work that was done yesterday.
Today I want to continue with page 2 of the story.  There is no need to finish multiple pages, 1 at a time is good.
Thanks to everyone that sent me their words from yesterday.
Stay safe.

Too bad this doesn't always work.

When you don't know a French word, So you say the English word ...

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

le 28 avril

Bonne matin,

How is everyone doing?  I hope you are all finding time to get outside, hang out with your family and find extra time for things you are passionate about. 
I have been trying to help teach my kids. I make a point of getting outside for a walk, bike ride, to do yard work or to BBQ supper.  I have found time to work out every day (except 1) that we have been away from school.  I hope you are all able to find time during the day for the things you really enjoy.

For the work today.  I want you to read the 1st page of the play only.  Please do not do any other pages.  Feel free to read it a 2nd time or a 3rd if needed.  After you are done reading, I want you to write a list of the words, expressions or sentences that you do not understand.  Then, you need to do some research and find out what those words means.  Where do you look?  It could be online, it could be in a French/English dictionary, it could be a French/English app.  It's something I want you to figure out.

After you think you know what they mean, go back and read the sentence where the word is.  Does it make sense?  Remember words can sometimes have 2 meanings.  If it doesn't make sense, go back and try again.  Don't just guess, you have to put the work in, think and problem solve.

Please email me the list of your words.  There are no maximums or minimums.  This is about your trying to learn more today.

For those of you that are thinking about going to university at some point, the skills you are building through this remote learning will help you.  The lesson today is not just about French.  It's about being honest with yourself and finding a way to take a text that could be difficult to read and try to make it make sense.

Good luck today, I'm looking forward to seeing your lists.

The best french memes :) Memedroid

Monday, 27 April 2020

le 27 avril Grade 8s

Bonne matin tout le monde.

I like to start the week by asking how the weekend was.  Here is your work today.

Answer the familiar question "Qu'est-ce que tu as fait pendant la fin de semiane?"  I would like you to write 5 sentences, try to make them different from 2 weeks ago.  Try to add small things to put more detail into the sentence.  Instead of just "J'ai regardé Netflix pendant la fin de semaine."
Try "J'ai regardé Netflix avec ma soeur pendant la fin de semaine."
Add small things like avec, quand (when), parce que (because).
Take a risk, mistakes mean you tried something new.
Have a good day

Sunday, 26 April 2020

le 27 avril Grade 9

Bonne matin tout le monde,
Je veux que vous faites une petite paragraphe.  Répond a la question "Qu'est-ce que tu as fait pendant la fin de semaine?"
Je veux 5-7 phrases dirrérentes.  Tu peux commencer avex j'ai, je suis, nous avons, nous sommes.
The paragraph does not need to be about just you.
For example, instead of "J'ai joué au street hockey avec ma soeur."  Try "J'ai joué avec ma soeur, nous avons commencé avec le hockey.  Apres, nous avons mangé la pizza que ma mère a fait."

Did you notice that "ma mère a fait" was also a verb in the past.

Try to turn this work into a small paragraph.
Looking forward to reading your work.
Have a good day.

Friday, 24 April 2020

le 24 avril

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all doing well.  Here is the work for today. 

Grade 8s  Use the questions you worked on this week to make 3 questions that have "est-ce que" in them.  You can keep them basic or you can try to make them a but more difficult.  Try to use words you are familiar with.  Use the work you did this week as examles.

Grade 9s  Create 3 questions that contain "est-ce que" in them.  Your focus will be to make sure the verbs you are using are in the past.  Use the questions from this week as examples, look at the verbs that were used.  Use the exact same verbs or use similar ones.  The key will be to use words the you know.  Do not use unfamiliar words.

If you have to use google translate, the words you are using are too difficult.  I would rather you make a mistake than use goolge translate.

Have a good weekend

Thursday, 23 April 2020

le 23 avril

Bonne matin tout le monde,
Aujoudh'hui je veux que vous jouez duolingo.  Les 8iemes (Gr 8s) pour 10 minutes minimum et les 9iemes pour 15 minutes minimum.

I have been using the app most days too.  I think my streak is currently 14 days.  Does anyone have a streak longer than me? 

I saw this the other day and it made me laugh because it's true.

French memes - Yahoo Canada Image Search Results | French meme ...

Have a good day.
Stay safe.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

l2 22 avril gr 9

Hi everyone,
Thanks to everyone that sent their answers to me.  This work may seem easy because they are "est-ce que" questions, the main goal is too look at the verbs and see that they are in the past. 
Today, I would like you guys try questions 11-23, I will also post the answers so you can all check your work.  Once you finish the questions, please go through them and make nay corrections as needed.
Have a good day.

Here are the questions

Here are the answers

le 22 avril Gr 8

Hi everyone,
The work I got from Monday was very well done.  I have a few more questions today that will finish activity 5.
I am also going to post the answers, please only look at the answers one the work is completed. 
Thanks to everyone that is sending the work to me.
Take care.

Here are the questions

Here are the answers

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

le 21 avril

Good morning everyone,
I hope you are all doing well.  Today, I would like you to read the story to somebody today.  If there is nobody to read the story to, please read it out loud.  The brackets are an important part of the story, please read those all well.
Bonne journeé

Monday, 20 April 2020

Answers for the grade 9 work today

Answers for grade 8 work today

Here are the answers for 1-10, take a look to see how you did.  If you have any questions about any questions, please email your question to me.

le 20 avril Gr 8 p 59 questions 1-11

Bonne matin,
Here are 11 questions to work on today.  They all start with "est-ce que".  Remember "est-ce que" has several different meanings.  It can mean, is, does, do etc...  It is a way to start a question.

Question 1 is:

Est-ce que Sylvie est un garcon ou une fille.

We did some questions like this in class.
4 steps.
1.  Cross out est-ce que
2.  Cross out ou
3.  Find the 2 choices, in this question, it is un garcon, une fille
4.  Write the answer, Sylvie est une fille.

The first is done for you, you work is to finish 2-11.
Have a good day
Take care

le 20 avril Gr 9 4B 1-10

Bonne matin,
Here are 10 questions to work on today.  The focus is questions that have "est-ce que" and questions that use verbs in the past.
You do not need to re-write the questions, you can if you want.  Email me your answers and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Take care 

Friday, 17 April 2020

le 17 avril

Bonne matin tout le monde,

Thanks for doing the work this week.

Today I would like to do some work with the app ChattePix Kids.
Please see my post from yesterday, it has a picture of what the app looks lke.

I would like to hear you speak French for today's assignment.  Here are the steps today.

1.  Download the app
2.  Play around with the app for a couple minutes, I think the app does a good job of explaining what to do .  
3.  Take a picture of something, could be a stuffed animal, could be your pet,   Please do not use a picture of yourself for this. 
4.  You will record yourself saying the paragraph that you made from Monday OR Wednesday, it's your choice.
5.  The app will only allow the video to be a maximum of 30 seconds.
6.  Save your finished video to your camera roll and email the final product to me (
7.  Have a great weekend.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

le 16 avril

Bonne matin tout le monde,
Thanks to everyone that sent me work this week.

Today I would like everyone to do 2 of 3 things.

1.  Download the app ChatterPix Kids, I want to do some work with that tomorrow.  It should be on apple and android devices.

2.  Choose 1 of the following.  Either read the play for 15 minutes or play duolingo for 15 minutes.

Stay safe and have a good day.

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

le 15 avril grade 8

Hi everyone,
Thanks for sending me the 5 sentences about your weekend.  In class we took those sentences and created mini presentations about another person.  Remember the activity when we folded the paper and had 4 sections?  That is basically what we are doing today.

I want you all to use the same sentences you used from Monday.  You are all going to describe what Réjean did on the weekend.

Instead of starting with J'ai, you are going to use il a.  If you started with Je suis, you are going to use Il/Elle est.

For example,
If you said J'ai regardé Netflix.  You will write, Il a regardé Netflix.  If you wrote Je suis allé au magasin.  You will write Il est allé au magasin.

For the past we need 3 things:
1.  Sujet
2.  Auxilliaire
3. Participe passé, how many of you just did the little dance?  Be honest.

Start you paragraph with Voici Réjean.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

le 15 avril Grade 9s

Thanks for submitting your sentences about your weekend.  Today, I want you to take that work and we are going to change it a bit.  Most of your sentences started with J'ai or Je suis.  Some started with Nous, moi et ma famille etc...
I want you to change the perspective of the paragraph.  Instead of the paragraph being about you, I want you to write it like it was about Pierre.  Instead of using "I" sentences, you are going to create "He" statements.
We are using passé compsosé, we have to be aware of the MRS VANDERTRAMP verbs.  MRS VANDERTRAMP verbs use etre, the other verbs use avoir.

If you wrote J'ai mangé la pizza avec ma famille.  You are going to change it.  Il a mangé la pizza avec sa famille.  There are 2 small changes, ai changes to a and ma (my) changes to sa(his).

If you wrote Moi et ma famille, we can change that to Pierre et sa famille. 

I don't want any new sentences, we are changing the verbs with a new subject.

Please start the new paragraph with Voici Pierre

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Le 14 avril

Salut tout le monde,

I was very happy with the quality of work that was handed in yesterday.  On a few assignments, students noted how duolingo helped them with the fin de semaine assignment.  That is really good.

Grade 8s today.  I would like you to go on duolingo for 10-20 minutes today.  I think it would be a good idea to have a notebook/paper with you and write down words or phrases that are new to you.  Feel free to write what they mean in English to.  I think have a word bank could help you with writing in the future.  Take a look at masculin vs feminin words.  Words like (le,la), (un,une), (mon, ma), (ton,ta), (son, sa).  They are words we have used in class, seeing them used in a different context is a good way to learn them in a different way.

Grade 9s.  Have you seen there is a section in duolingo that tells stories.  Can you finish 4 stories today.  It sounds like lots, they take approx. 5 minutes each. This is a good way to listen to a story.  They will ask a few questions during the story and at the end you will have to match English and French words.   I think it would be a good idea to have a notebook/paper with you and write down words or phrases that are new to you.  Feel free to write what they mean in English to.  Many of you have already used duolingo vocab in your work.
As a more challenging piece, looks at the verbs, do you think it's in the past, present or future.  If you are able to recognize the verb tenses that will benefit you in grade 10.  If you are unsure, send me an email and I will help you.

My main goal through the app is to allow students to learn new vocab and to reinforce the words they already know.  After a short time using it, I see the benefits through the work that has been turned it.

Have a good day everyone, stay safe.

Monday, 13 April 2020


On duolingo, who has the screen name waaf cake 10 with the picture of the pig?  You have lots of points and I know you are doing the work but I don't know who you are.  Please send me an email and let me know who you are.

La fin de semaine grade 9s

Hi everyone,

When you email work to me, please put your full name and class in the subject line.

Here is the work for today.

Qu'est-ce que tu as fait pendant la fin de semaine?

Write a 7 sentence paragraph using at least 5 different verbs.
A sentence like "J'ai fait les biscuits pendant la fin de semaine." is too basic.  What can you add to the sentence?  For example "J'ai fait les biscuits au chocolat avec ma soeur hier."
You can write the sentences or type them out.  Don't forget about the accents.

Passé composé 
Le passé composé, comme son nom l'indique, est un temps du passé. Il exprime donc une action ou un fait qui a déjà eu lieu au moment où nous nous exprimons.  
S’il y a un « (e) », c’est parce que les filles mettent un autre « e » à la fin, mais les garçons ne le font pas. 
Par exemple : Je suis une femme donc je dirais : « Hier, je suis restée chez moi pour la journée. »  Parce que Steve est un garçon, il dirait : « Hier, je suis resté chez moi. »   
Ce n’est pas toujours nécessaire de faire ceci, seulement où tu vois (e) à la fin😊. 
C’était = it was   (pas le passé composé, mais c’est la façon qu’on dit                      « it was » en français).         Ex. « C’était une journée fantastique ».  

Je suis allé(e) - I went Jsuis sorti(e) - I exited or I went out  
Je suis retourné(e) - I returned Je suis arrivé(e) - I arrived 
Je suis resté(e) - I stayed Je suis parti(e) – I left  
J’ai joué - I played J’ai vu - I saw 
J’ai eu – I had J’ai passé du temps – I spent time 
J’ai mangé – I ate J’ai fait – I made or I did 
J’ai regardé  - I watched    J’ai visité – I visited 
J’ai conduit – I drove J’ai pratiqué – I practiced 
J’ai acheté – I bought             J’ai aimé – I liked 
J’ai voyagé – I travelled J’ai dormi – I slept 
J’ai cuisiné- I cooked J’ai réalisé  - I realised  
J’ai appris – I learned J’ai pris – I took 
J’ai célébré- I celebrated J’ai rêvé  - I dreamt  
J’ai construit – I built J’ai bougé – I moved 
J’ai préparé  - I prepared J’ai dansé – I danced 
J’ai gagné – I won J’ai montré – I showed