Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Le 14 avril

Salut tout le monde,

I was very happy with the quality of work that was handed in yesterday.  On a few assignments, students noted how duolingo helped them with the fin de semaine assignment.  That is really good.

Grade 8s today.  I would like you to go on duolingo for 10-20 minutes today.  I think it would be a good idea to have a notebook/paper with you and write down words or phrases that are new to you.  Feel free to write what they mean in English to.  I think have a word bank could help you with writing in the future.  Take a look at masculin vs feminin words.  Words like (le,la), (un,une), (mon, ma), (ton,ta), (son, sa).  They are words we have used in class, seeing them used in a different context is a good way to learn them in a different way.

Grade 9s.  Have you seen there is a section in duolingo that tells stories.  Can you finish 4 stories today.  It sounds like lots, they take approx. 5 minutes each. This is a good way to listen to a story.  They will ask a few questions during the story and at the end you will have to match English and French words.   I think it would be a good idea to have a notebook/paper with you and write down words or phrases that are new to you.  Feel free to write what they mean in English to.  Many of you have already used duolingo vocab in your work.
As a more challenging piece, looks at the verbs, do you think it's in the past, present or future.  If you are able to recognize the verb tenses that will benefit you in grade 10.  If you are unsure, send me an email and I will help you.

My main goal through the app is to allow students to learn new vocab and to reinforce the words they already know.  After a short time using it, I see the benefits through the work that has been turned it.

Have a good day everyone, stay safe.

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