Wednesday, 9 September 2015

French English Dictionary

You can use this dictionary to help spell words and to check for meaning.  This dictionary will not help if you only know the English word and want to look up the French word.

This will also tell you if it is a verb, adjective, noun (masculine or feminine)

Mon livre de mots Veux-tu danser? français --> anglais 1

Collège Havergal - novembre 2012
mot français type mot anglais section
a (avoir) vb has / have (with subjects il/elle/on) (to have) SMA-D

à prép to / at / in SMA-B

a besoin de / n'a pas besoin de expr needs / doesn't need VTD-A

à bientôt expr see you soon VTD-C

à côté de prép beside VTD-A

a du sens / n'a pas de sens expr makes sense / doesn't make sense VTD-D

accent aigu (l'/un) n.m. acute accent SMA-H

accent circonflexe (l'/un) n.m. circumflex accent SMA-H

accent grave (l'/un) n.m. grave accent SMA-H

accident (l'/un) n.m. accident SMA-J

achète (acheter) vb buy(s), am/is/are buying (to buy) VTD-A

acteur (l'/un) n.m. actor SMA-G

action (l' / une) n.f. action / gesture SMA-B

activité (l'/une) n.f. activity SMA-G

actrice (l'/une) n.f. actress SMA-G

adjectif (le/un) n.m. adjective SMA-I

adore (adorer) vb adore(s) (to adore) SMA-G

âge (l'/un) n.m. age VTD-C

agenda (l'/un) n.m. agenda SMA-C

ai; j'ai (avoir) vb I have (to have) SMA-B

aide (aider) vb help(s), am/is/are helping (to help) SMA-E

Aïe! excl Ouch! SMA-E

aime (aimer) vb like(s) / love(s) (to like) SMA-E

ajoute (ajouter) vb add(s), am/is/are adding (to add) SMA-I

aller vb go; to go SMA-B

alors adv so / then SMA-A

ami (l'/un) n.m. friend (male) SMA-D

amie (l'/une) n.f. friend (female) SMA-D

amusant, amusante adj amusing / fun SMA-J

amuse : s'amuse (s'amuser) vb has fun (with il / elle / on) (to have fun) VTD-B

amuse : s'amuse (s'amuser) vb has fun (with il / elle / on) (to have fun) VTD-B

an (l'/un) n.m. year (with numbers, e.g. j'ai treize ans) SMA-I

anglais (l') n.m. English (language) SMA-A

animal (l'/un), animaux n.m. animal, animals VTD-D

année (l'/une) n.f. year SMA-I

août n.m. August SMA-C

apostrophe (l'/une) n.f. apostrophe SMA-G

apparaît (apparaître) vb appear(s), is/are appearing (to appear) VTD-E

appartement (l'/un) n.m. apartment SMA-J

appelle : m'appelle (s'appeler) vb am called / named (with je) (to be called) SMA-B

Mon livre de mots Veux-tu danser? français --> anglais 2

Collège Havergal - novembre 2012
appelle : s'appelle (s'appeler) vb is called, is named (with il / elle / on) SMA-B

appelle : s'appelle (s'appeler) vb is called, is named (with il / elle / on) SMA-B

appelles : t'appelles (s'appeler) vb are called (you) (to call oneself, to be named) SMA-B

applaudit (applaudir) vb applaud(s), is/are applauding; clap(s) (to clap) VTD-B

apporte (apporter) vb bring(s), am/is/are bringing (to bring) SMA-J

apprend (apprendre) vb learn(s), is/are learning (to learn) SMA-F

appris (apprendre) vb learned (part of a past form of to learn) VTD-C

approche : s'approche (s'approcher) vb approach(es), am/is/are approaching VTD-A

approche : s'approche (s'approcher) vb approach(es), am/is/are approaching VTD-A

après prép after SMA-F

arbre (l'/un) n.m. tree VTD-D

arrange (arranger) vb arrange(s), am/is/are arranging (to arrange) VTD-A

arrête (arrêter) vb stop(s), am/is/are stopping (to stop) SMA-A

arrive (arriver) vb arrive(s), am/is/are arriving (to arrive) SMA-E

arts (les) arts VTD-E

as (avoir) vb have (with subject tu) (to have) SMA-D

assez (de) adv enough (of something) VTD-A

Assieds-toi! (s'asseoir) vb Sit down! (to sit down) SMA-B

assoit : s'assoit (s'asseoir) vb sit(s) down, is/are sitting down (to sit down) SMA-A

assoit : s'assoit (s'asseoir) vb sit(s) down, is/are sitting down (to sit down) SMA-A

attend (attendre) (attendre) vb wait(s), is/are waiting (to wait) SMA-J

Attends! excl Wait! SMA-J

attrape (attraper) vb catch(es), am/is/are catching (to catch) VTD-D

au, aux prép + article to the (plural) SMA-B

au revoir expr goodbye SMA-B

aujourd'hui adv today SMA-C

aussi adv also / too SMA-B

autour de prép around VTD-D

autre, un(e) autre adj other, another SMA-C

avait (avoir) vb had (a past form of to have) VTD-C

avant adv before SMA-F

avec prép with SMA-B

avion (l'/un) n.m. airplane SMA-J

avril n.m. April SMA-C

baiser (le/un) n.m. kiss VTD-A

balle (la/une) n.f. ball (not inflated, e.g. golf ball) SMA-E

ballon (le/un) n.m. ball (inflated, e.g. soccer ball) SMA-E

bas (le/un) n.m. sock SMA-J

baseball (le) n.m. baseball SMA-D

basketball (le) n.m. basketball SMA-D

bateau (le/un) n.m. boat VTD-E

Mon livre de mots Veux-tu danser? français --> anglais 3

Collège Havergal - novembre 2012
bâton (le/un) n.m. stick / baton SMA-J

beau adj handsome / good-looking (masculine) SMA-J

beaucoup (de) adv a lot (of) / lots (of) SMA-D

bébé (le/un) n.m. baby VTD-E

belle adj beautiful / good-looking (feminine) SMA-J

bien adv well SMA-A

bien sûr expr of course SMA-E

bientôt adv soon SMA-I

biscuit (le/un) n.m. cookie VTD-A

bizarre adj bizarre / odd / strange / peculiar SMA-E

blanc, blanche adj white SMA-I

bleu, bleue adj blue SMA-I

boit (boire) vb drink(s), is/are drinking (to drink) SMA-B

boîte (la/une) n.f. box SMA-D

bon, bonne adj good SMA-D

bonheur (le/un) n.m. happiness VTD-E

bonjour n.m. hello SMA-A

Bonne chance! expr Good luck! SMA-I*

Bonne journée! expr Have a good day! VTD-C

bouche (la/une) n.f. mouth SMA-H

bouge (bouger) vb move(s), am/is/are moving (to move) VTD-B

bras (le/un) n.m. arm VTD-B

brille (briller) vb shine(s), is shining (to shine) VTD-D

bruit (le/un) n.m. noise VTD-A

brun, brune adj brown SMA-I

c'est expr it's SMA-A

C'est dommage! expr It's too bad! / That's a shame! SMA-D

c'était expr it was SMA-J

ça pron that SMA-A

Ça marche. expr that's okay / it works SMA-J

Ça va bien. expr I'm fine / Things are going fine. SMA-B

Ça va? expr How are you? / Are you okay? SMA-B

Ça va. expr I'm okay. / It's okay. SMA-B

cache (cacher) vb hide(s), am/is/are hiding (+ noun) (to hide) VTD-A*

cache : se cache (se cacher) vb hides, is/are hiding (with il / elle / on) VTD-A

cache : se cache (se cacher) vb hides, is/are hiding (with il / elle / on) (to hide) VTD-A

café (le/un/du) n.m. coffee VTD-D

cafétéria (la/une) n.f. cafeteria VTD-A

cantonais (le) n.m. Cantonese (language) VTD-C*

capitaine (le/un) n.m. captain VTD-E

carte (la/une) n.f. card SMA-C

Mon livre de mots Veux-tu danser? français --> anglais 4

Collège Havergal - novembre 2012
casier (le/un) n.m. locker SMA-C

casquette (la/une) n.f. cap SMA-J

casse (casser) vb break(s), am/is/are breaking (to break) VTD-C

ce art this / that (+ masculine noun) SMA-D

cédille (la/une) n.f. cedilla SMA-H

cent (un) n.m. one hundred VTD-D

cercle (le/un) n.m. circle SMA-H

ces art these / those (+ plural noun) SMA-E

cette art this / that (+ feminine noun) SMA-D

chaise (la/une) n.f. chair SMA-C

chambre (la/une) n.f. bedroom VTD-E

chance (la/une) n.f. chance / luck SMA-I

chanceux, chanceuse adj lucky VTD-C

change (changer) vb change(s), am/is/are changing (to change) SMA-D

chanson (la/une) n.f. song SMA-G

chante (chanter) vb sing(s), am/is/are singing (to sing) SMA-G

chapeau (le/un) n.m. hat SMA-D

chaque adj each, every SMA-H

chat (le/un) n.m. cat SMA-J

chaud, chaude adj hot VTD-D

chemise (la/une) n.f. shirt SMA-D

chemise (la/une) n.f. folder SMA-D

cherche (chercher) vb look(s) for, am/is/are looking for (to look for) SMA-F

cheveux (les) hair VTD-A

chic adj stylish / cool / elegant VTD-C

chien (le/un) n.m. dog SMA-J

chinois (le) n.m. Chinese (language) VTD-C

choisit (choisir) vb choose(s), is/are choosing (to choose) SMA-C

chose (la/une) n.f. thing SMA-H

chuchote (chuchoter) vb whisper(s), am/is/are whispering (to whisper) VTD-A

ciel (le/un) n.m. sky SMA-J

cinq adj five SMA-D

cinquante adj fifty SMA-F

cinquième adj fifth VTD-C

classe (la/une) n.f. classe SMA-A

cloche (la/une) n.f. bell VTD-E

coeur (le/un) n.m. heart VTD-E

cogne : se cogne (se cogner) vb knock(s) against / bump(s) into each other SMA-J

cogne : se cogne (se cogner) vb knock(s) against / bump(s) into each other SMA-J

colorie (colorier) vb colour(s), am/is/are colouring (to colour) SMA-I

combien de expr how many SMA-F

comme conj like / as SMA-D

comme ci, comme ça expr so-so SMA-B

Mon livre de mots Veux-tu danser? français --> anglais 5

Collège Havergal - novembre 2012
commence (commencer) vb start(s), am/is/are starting; begin(s) (to start) SMA-A

comment adv how SMA-B

commentaire (le/un) n.m. comment VTD-E

compétition (la/une) n.f. competition SMA-J

complet, complète adj complete SMA-I

complètement adv completely SMA-J

comprend (comprendre) vb understand(s), is/are understanding (to understand) SMA-H

compte (compter) vb count(s), am/is/are counting (to count) SMA-F

concours (le/un) n.m. contest / competition VTD-B

conducteur (le/un) n.m. conductor VTD-E

conduit (conduire) vb drive(s), is/are driving (to drive) VTD-E

connaît (connaître) vb know(s) [a person] / is familiar with (to know)VTD-A

consonne (la/une) n.f. consonant SMA-J*

content, contente adj happy SMA-E

continue (continuer) vb continue(s), am/is/are continuing (to continue) SMA-G

contraction (la/une) n.f. contraction VTD-D

contraire adj opposite, contrary SMA-I

copain (le/un) n.m. friend VTD-E

copie (copier) vb copy (copies), am/is/are copying (to copy) SMA-G

copine (la/une) n.f. friend VTD-E

coréen (le) n.m. Korean (language) VTD-C

corps (le/un) n.m. body VTD-E

correct, correcte adj correct SMA-G

correctement adv correctly SMA-G

correction (la/une) n.f. correction VTD-D

corrige (corriger) vb correct(s), am/is/are correcting (to correct) SMA-H

costume (le/un) n.m. costume / man's suit SMA-J

côté (le/un) n.m. side SMA-H

couleur (la/une) n.f. colour SMA-I

couloir (le/un) n.f. hall / corridor SMA-H

coup de pied (le/un) n.m. kick SMA-E

coup de poing (le/un) n.m. punch VTD-B

coupe (couper) vb cut(s), am/is/are cutting (to cut) SMA-I

court (courir) vb run(s), is/are running (to run) SMA-A

court, courte adj short (in length) SMA-I

cousin (le/un) n.m. cousin (masculine) VTD-C

cousine (la/une) n.f. cousin (feminine) VTD-C

coussin (le/un) n.m. cushion SMA-J

couvre (couvrir) vb cover(s), am/is/are covering (to cover) VTD-A

crayon (le/un) n.m. pencil SMA-C

créatif, créative adj creative VTD-E

crée (créer) vb create(s), am/is/are creating (to create) VTD-E

crie (crier) vb shout(s), am/is/are shouting; yell(s) (to shout) SMA-I

Mon livre de mots Veux-tu danser? français --> anglais 6

Collège Havergal - novembre 2012
cuisine (la/une) n.f. kitchen VTD-D

d'accord excl alright / okay / fine / I agree SMA-E

d'habitude adv usually SMA-I

dans prép in(side) SMA-A

danse (danser) vb dance(s), am/is/are dancing (to dance) SMA-J

danse (la/une) n.f. dance SMA-J

date (la/une) n.f. date SMA-I

de prép of / from SMA-A

de rien expr you're welcome SMA-C

décembre n.m. December SMA-C

décide (décider) vb decide(s), am/is/are deciding (to decide) SMA-J

découpe (découper) vb cut(s) out, am/is/are cutting out (to cut out) SMA-I

décrit (décrire) vb describe(s), is/are describing (to describe) SMA-I

dehors adv out / outside VTD-C

déjà adv already SMA-I

déjeuner (le/un) n.m. lunch VTD-C

délicieux, délicieuse adj delicious VTD-D

demain adv tomorrow SMA-H

demande (demander) vb ask(s), am/is/are asking (to ask) SMA-G

demi, demie adj half VTD-B

depuis prép since VTD-B

depuis longtemps expr for a long time VTD-B*

dernier, dernière adj last SMA-I

derrière prép behind SMA-G

descend (descendre) vb come(s) down / go(es) down / get(s) out VTD-B

désolé, désolée adj sorry SMA-E

dessin (le/un) n.m. drawing (SMA-I), art (VTD-D) SMA-I

dessine (dessiner) vb draw(s), am/is/are drawing (to draw) SMA-I

détail (le/un) n.m. detail SMA-J

deux adj two SMA-C

deuxième adj second SMA-H

devait (devoir) vb had to (a past tense of to have to) VTD-E

devant prép in front of SMA-G

devine (deviner) vb guess(es), am/is/are guessing (to guess) VTD-C

devoirs (les) n.m. homework SMA-C

différent, différente adj different SMA-F

difficile adj difficult / hard SMA-E

dimanche n.m. Sunday SMA-C

directeur (le/un) n.m. principal (masculine) VTD-A

directrice (la/une) n.f. principal (feminine) VTD-A

disparaît (disparaître) vb disappear(s), is/are disappearing (to disappear) VTD-E

Mon livre de mots Veux-tu danser? français --> anglais 7

Collège Havergal - novembre 2012
dispute : se dispute (se disputer) vb argues, is arguing (with subjects il / elle / on) VTD-D

dispute : se dispute (se disputer) vb argues, is arguing (with subjects il / elle / on) VTD-D

disque compact (le/un) n.f. compact disc, CD SMA-G

dit (dire) vb say(s), is/are saying (to say) SMA-A

dix adj ten SMA-D

dix-huit adj eighteen SMA-F

dix-neuf adj nineteen SMA-F

dix-sept adj seventeen SMA-F

doigt (le/un) n.m. finger VTD-B

doit (devoir) vb must, has to (to have to, to be obliged to) SMA-C

donne (donner) vb give(s), am/is/are giving (to give) SMA-C

donne un coup de pied à vb kick(s), am/is/are kicking (to kick) SMA-E*

dort (dormir) vb sleep(s), is/are sleeping (to sleep) VTD-D

dos (le/un) n.m. back (body part) VTD-A

douze adj twelve SMA-F

droit (le/un); J'ai le droit de n.m. right; I have the right to (+ infinitive) VTD-B*

droite (la) n.f. right (direction) VTD-B

drôle adj funny SMA-J

DVD (le/un) n.m. DVD SMA-C

eau (l') n.f. water SMA-B

école (l'/une) n.f. school SMA-F

écoute (écouter) vb listen(s), am/is/are listening (to listen) SMA-F

écrit (écrire) vb write(s), is/are writing (to write) SMA-C

éducation physique (l') n.f. Physical Education VTD-D

efface (effacer) vb erase(s), am/is/are erasing (to erase) SMA-H

électronique adj electronic VTD-A

élève (l'/un) n.m. student / pupil (masculine) VTD-C

élève (l'/une) n.f. student / pupil (feminine) VTD-C

elle pron she SMA-B

elles pron they (feminine) VTD-A

embarrassé, embarrassée adj embarrassed VTD-A

en prép in / to SMA-A

en arrière prép behind / at the back VTD-C

en bas adv below / down / at the bottom SMA-H

en courant expr running VTD-B

en haut adv above / up / at the top SMA-H

encercle (encercler) vb circle(s), am/is/are circling (to circle) SMA-H

encore adv again SMA-E

enlève (enlever) vb remove(s), am/is/are removing; take(s) off SMA-D

enseignant (l'/un) n.m. instructor (male) SMA-F

enseignante (l'/une) n.f. instructor (female) SMA-F

Mon livre de mots Veux-tu danser? français --> anglais 8

Collège Havergal - novembre 2012
enseigne (enseigner) vb teach(es), am/is/are teaching (to teach) SMA-F

ensemble adv together SMA-F

entend (entendre) vb hear(s), is/are hearing (to hear) SMA-J

entraînement (l'/un) n.m. practice (sports) VTD-C*

entre prép between VTD-D

entre (entrer) vb go(es) in, am/is/are going in; enter(s) (to enter) SMA-E

entrée (l'/une) n.f. entrance VTD-C

envie (l'/une); j'ai envie de (+ inf) n.f. desire / longing; I feel like (vb)-ing VTD-B

épaule (l'/une) n.f. shoulder SMA-E

équipe (l'/une) n.f. team VTD-C

erreur (l'/une) n.f. error / mistake VTD-C

es/est (être) vb are/is (tu es = you are; il est = he is) (to be) SMA-A

escalier (l'/un) n.m. stairs / staircase VTD-E

espace (l'/un) n.m. space SMA-H

espagnol (l') n.m. Spanish (language) VTD-C

espère (espérer) vb hope(s), am/is/are hoping (to hope) SMA-E

essaie (essayer) vb try (tries), am/is/are trying (to try) SMA-E

est-ce que expr starts a yes/no question SMA-B

et conj and SMA-A

était (être) vb was (past form of to be) SMA-J

être vb be; to be SMA-F

étudie (étudier) vb study (studies), am/is/are studying (to study) SMA-C

évaluation (l'/une) n.f. evaluation VTD-E

excellent, excellente adj excellent SMA-H

excepté prép except SMA-I

explique (expliquer) vb explain(s), am/is/are explaining (to explain) VTD-D

expression (l'/une) n.f. expression SMA-G

extérieur (l') n.m. exterior / outside VTD-B

extraterrestre (l'/un) n.m. extraterrestrial VTD-E

fâché, fâchée adj angry SMA-E

facile adj easy SMA-H

fait (faire) vb do(es), is/are doing; make(s), is/are making (to do) SMA-B

fait attention (faire attention) vb pay(s) attention, is/are paying attention SMA-J

famille (la/une) n.f. family SMA-G

fantastique adj fantastic SMA-A

fatigué, fatiguée adj tired SMA-I

faute (la/une) n.f. mistake SMA-H

faux, fausse adj false. SMA-J

favori, favorite adj favorite SMA-J

félicitations! expr congratulations! VTD-B

féminin, féminine adj feminine SMA-H

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Collège Havergal - novembre 2012
fenêtre (la/une) n.f. window VTD-C

ferme (fermer) vb shut(s), am/is/are shutting (to shut) SMA-A

feuille d'activité (la/une) n.f. activity sheet SMA-H

feuille de papier (la/une) n.f. piece of paper SMA-B

février n.m. February SMA-C

fier, fière adj proud VTD-A

fille (la/une) n.f. girl / daughter SMA-D

film (le/un) n.m. film / movie SMA-J

filme (filmer) vb film(s), am/is/are filming (to film) SMA-J

fin (la/une) n.f. end SMA-E

finalement adv finally VTD-B

finit (finir) vb finish(es), is/are finishing (to finish) SMA-B

fois (la/une) n.f. time (e.g. three times) SMA-F

font (faire) vb do with subject ils (they do / are doing) SMA-G

football (le/un) n.m. football VTD-E

fort adv loudly / strongly / hard SMA-E

fort, forte adj strong / loud SMA-E

fou, folle adj crazy / silly SMA-B

français (le) n.m. French (language) SMA-A

frappe (frapper) vb knock(s), am/is/are knocking (to knock) SMA-E

frappe (frapper) vb hit(s), am/is/are hitting (to hit) SMA-C

frère (le/un) n.m. brother SMA-G

froid, froide adj cold VTD-D

frustré, frustrée adj frustrated VTD-A

futur (le/un) n.m. future VTD-D

gagnant (le/un) n.m. winner (masculine) VTD-B

gagnante (la/une) n.f. winner (feminine) VTD-B

gagne (gagner) vb win(s), am/is/are winning (to win) SMA-H

gant (le/un) n.m. glove SMA-J

garçon (le/un) n.m. boy SMA-D

garde (garder) vb keep(s), am/is/are keeping (to keep) VTD-C

gâteau (le/un) n.m. cake VTD-D

gauche (la) n.f. left VTD-B

gêné, gênée adj embarrassed / uncomfortable / shy VTD-A

genou (le/un) n.m. knee SMA-E

gens (les/des) people VTD-C

gentil, gentille adj nice / kind SMA-E

gomme (la/une) n.f. eraser SMA-H

grammaire (la) n.f. grammar SMA-H

grand-maman (la/une) n.f. grandma / granny / nana SMA-G

grand-mère (la/une) n.f. grandmother SMA-G

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grand-papa (le/un) n.m. grandpa / grandad / gramps SMA-G

grand-père (le/un) n.m. grandfather SMA-G

grand, grande adj big / large / tall SMA-D

grenouille (la/une) n.f. frog VTD-E

gris, grise adj grey SMA-I

groupe (le/un) n.m. group SMA-F

guillemet (le/un) n.m. quotation mark SMA-I

guitare (la/une) n.f. guitar VTD-C

gymnase (le/un) n.m. gymnasium VTD-B

habite (habiter) vb live(s), am/is/are living (to live) SMA-J

heure (l'/une) n.f. hour (SMA-E); o'clock (VTD-B) SMA-E

hier adv yesterday SMA-J

histoire (l'/une) n.f. story SMA-E

huit adj eight SMA-D

huitième adj eighth VTD-C

ici adv here SMA-A

idée (l'/une) n.f. idea SMA-G

il pron he SMA-B

il donne un coup de poing à X expr he punches X VTD-B*

il faut expr it is necessary VTD-C

il neige expr it's snowing VTD-D

il pleut expr it's raining VTD-D

il y a expr there is / there are SMA-D

ils pron they (masculine) SMA-G

image (l'/une) n.f. picture / image SMA-J

imagine (imaginer) vb imagine(s), am/is/are imagining (to imagine) VTD-D

impatient, impatient(e) adj impatient VTD-B

important, importante adj important SMA-I

impressionné, impressionnée adj impressed SMA-J

infinitif (le/un) n.m. infinitive SMA-I

inquiet, inquiète adj worried SMA-E

intelligent, intelligent adj intelligent, smart SMA-I

intéressant, intéressante adj interesting VTD-D

intérieur (l') n.m. interior / inside VTD-B

interrompt (interrompre) vb interrupt(s); is/are interrupting (to interrupt) VTD-B

invite (inviter) vb invite(s), am/is/are inviting (to invite) SMA-E

italien (l') n.m. Italian (language) VTD-C

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j'ai envie de (+ infinitif) expr I feel like (vb)-ing VTD-B*

j'ai faim expr I'm hungry VTD-B

j'ai peur! expr I'm afraid! SMA-G

jaloux, jalouse adj jealous VTD-E

janvier n.m. January SMA-C

japonais (le) n.m. Japanese (language) VTD-C

jaune adj yellow SMA-I

je pron I SMA-B

Je ne sais pas. expr I don't know. SMA-E

Je sais! expr I know! SMA-H

jeu (le/un) n.m. game (e.g. Monopoly, Simon says) SMA-F

jeudi n.m. Thursday SMA-C

joue (jouer) vb play(s), am/is/are playing (to play) SMA-C

joueur (le/un) n.m. player SMA-D

jour (le/un) n.m. day SMA-E

juillet n.m. July SMA-C

juin n.m. June SMA-C

jupe (la/une) n.f. skirt VTD-A

jusqu'à prép as far as / up to / until VTD-C

la art the (+ feminine noun) SMA-A

là-bas adv over there SMA-B

laisse (laisser) vb leave(s), am/is/are leaving (+ noun) (to leave) SMA-H

lait (le/un) n.m. milk VTD-A

lance (lancer) vb throw(s), am/is/are throwing (to throw) SMA-E

langue (la/une) n.f. language VTD-C

lave : se lave (se laver) vb gets washed (with subjects il / elle / on) VTD-D

le art the (+ masculine noun) SMA-A

lecteur de disque compact (le/un) n.m. CD player SMA-G

lentement adv slowly SMA-C

les art the (+ plural noun) SMA-B

lettre (la/une) n.f. letter SMA-G

leur adj poss their (+ singular noun) VTD-C

lève (lever) vb raise(s), am/is/are raising; lift(s) (to raise) SMA-D

lève : se lève (se lever) vb gets up (to get up) SMA-C

Lève-toi! (se lever) vb Stand up!/ Get up! (to get up) SMA-B

ligne (la/une) n.f. line SMA-G

liste (la/une) n.f. list VTD-D

lit (lire) vb read(s), is/are reading (to read) SMA-B

livre (le/un) n.m. book SMA-F

loin de adj far from SMA-J

long, longue adj long SMA-I

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longtemps adv a long time VTD-B

lu (lire) vb read (part of a past tense of to read) VTD-C

lui pron him / her; to him / her; at him / her (VTD-A) SMA-J

lumière (la/une) n.f. light VTD-E

lundi n.m. Monday SMA-C

lunettes (les/des) glasses VTD-B

ma adj poss my (+ singular feminine noun) SMA-D

madame n.f. Ms. / Mrs. / ma'am SMA-B

magasin (le/un) n.m. store VTD-A

magicien (le/un) n.m. magician VTD-E

magie (la/une) n.f. magic VTD-E

magnifique adj magnificent VTD-E

mai n.m. May SMA-C

main (la/une) n.f. hand SMA-D

maintenant adv now SMA-A

mais conj but SMA-B

maison (la/une) n.f. house SMA-B

majuscule adj capital / upper-case SMA-G

mal adv badly / poorly / not well SMA-B

malade adj sick SMA-D

maman (la/une) n.f. mom / mommy SMA-G

mandarin (le) n.m. Mandarin (language) VTD-C*

mange (manger) vb eat(s), am/is/are eating (to eat) SMA-G

manque (manquer) vb miss(es), is missing (to miss) SMA-I

manteau (le/un) n.m. coat SMA-D

marche (marcher) vb walk(s), am/is/are walking (to walk) SMA-A

mardi n.m. Tuesday SMA-C

marionnette (la/une) n.f. puppet SMA-I

mars n.m. March SMA-C

masculin, masculine adj masculine SMA-H

match (le/un) n.m. game (sports) SMA-J

mathématiques (les) mathematics VTD-D

me pron me (e.g. je m'appelle) SMA-E

méchant, méchante adj mean / nasty / wicked / naughty SMA-G

meilleur, meilleure adj better SMA-G

même adj same SMA-I

même adv even SMA-I*

mémorise (mémoriser) vb memorise(s), am/is/are memorizing (to memorize) SMA-C

merci excl thank you SMA-A

mercredi n.m. Wednesday SMA-C

mère (la/une) n.f. mother SMA-G

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mérite (mériter) vb deserve(s) (to deserve) SMA-I

mes adj poss my (+ plural noun) SMA-H

met (mettre) vb put(s), is/are putting (to put) SMA-A

mieux adv better VTD-B

mille (un) n.m. thousand SMA-I

mille (un) n.m. one thousand VTD-D

minuscule adj small / lower-case SMA-G

minute (la/une) n.f. minute SMA-J

mis; j'ai mis (mettre) vb I put / I put on (a past tense of to put/on) VTD-B

moi pron me (e.g. avec moi) SMA-E

mois (le/un) n.m. month SMA-I

mon adj poss my (+ singular masculine noun) SMA-C

monsieur n.m. Mr. / sir SMA-B

monte (monter) vb climb(s) / go(es) up / get(s) into (to go up) VTD-D

montre (montrer) vb show(s), am/is/are showing (to show) SMA-E

montre (la/une) n.f. watch / wristwatch VTD-B

morceau (le/un) n.m. piece (of cake, of music) VTD-A*

mot (le/un) n.f. word SMA-B

mou, molle adj soft SMA-J

mouvement (le/un) n.m. movement VTD-B

musique (la/une) n.f. music SMA-I

n'est-ce pas? expr isn't it? / doesn't it? / isn't that right? SMA-E

n'importe qui expr anyone (at all) VTD-A

narrateur (le/un) n.m. narrator (masculine) VTD-A

narratrice (la/une) n.f. narrator (feminine) VTD-A

ne adv not (when used with pas) SMA-C

ne .. jamais adv never VTD-B

ne … personne pron no one VTD-D

ne … plus adv not any more / no longer SMA-E

nécessaire adj necessary VTD-E

négatif (le/un) n.m. negative VTD-D

neuf adj nine SMA-D

nez (le/un) n.m. nose VTD-A

ni conj neither / nor VTD-E

noir, noire adj black SMA-I

nom (le/un) n.m. name / noun SMA-C

nombre (le/un) n.m. number SMA-F

non adv no SMA-B

notre adj poss our (+ singular noun, masc or fem) SMA-F

nouveau, nouvelle adj new SMA-E

novembre n.m. November SMA-C

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nuage (le/un) n.m. cloud VTD-D

nuageux adj cloudy VTD-D

nuit (la/une) n.f. night VTD-C

numéro (le/un) n.m. number SMA-H

occupé, occupée adj busy VTD-A

octobre n.m October SMA-C

on pron one / you / people SMA-B

oncle (l'/un) n.m. uncle VTD-C

ont (avoir) vb have (ils ont = they have) (to have) SMA-I

onze adj eleven SMA-F

orange adj orange VTD-D

ordinateur (l'/un) n.m. computer VTD-C

ordre (l'/un) n.m. order SMA-I

oreille (l'/une) n.f. ear SMA-J

orthographe (l') n.f. spelling SMA-H

ou conj or SMA-C

où adv where SMA-B

oublié; j'ai oublié (oublier) vb I forgot (a past tense of to forget) SMA-B

oui adv yes SMA-B

ouvre (ouvrir) vb open(s), am/is/are opening (to open) SMA-A

page (la/une) n.f. page SMA-H

pansement (le/un) n.m. bandage SMA-E

pantalon (le/un) n.m. pants SMA-J

papa (le/un) n.m. dad / daddy SMA-G

par prép by SMA-F

par accident expr by accident SMA-J

par exemple expr for example SMA-F

par terre expr on the ground VTD-B

parachutisme (le) n.m. parachuting SMA-E

paraphrase (la/une) n.f. paraphrase SMA-J

parce que conj because SMA-C

pardon n.m. sorry / I beg your pardon SMA-B

parent (le/un) n.m. parent VTD-C

parfait, parfaite adj perfect VTD-A

parle (parler) vb talk(s), am/is/are talking; speak(s) (to talk) SMA-A

parlé (parler) vb talked, spoken (part of a past tense of to talk) SMA-D

part (partir) vb leave(s), is/are leaving; depart(s) (to leave) VTD-B

partenaire (la/une) n.f. partner (feminine) SMA-H

partenaire (le/un) n.m. partner (masculine) SMA-H

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partie (la/une) n.f. part VTD-E

partout adv everywhere SMA-G

pas adv not SMA-A

pas du tout expr not at all VTD-B

passe (passer) vb pass(es), am/is/are passing; hand(s) out SMA-D

passé (le/un) n.m. past VTD-C

passe-temps (le/un) n.m. hobby / pastime VTD-B

pauvre adj poor SMA-J

peigne : se peigne (se peigner) vb combs, is/are combing (with il / elle / on) VTD-A

pendant prép during / for / while VTD-B

pense (penser) vb think(s), am/is/are thinking (to think) SMA-D

perdu (perdre) vb lost (part of a past tense of to lose) VTD-E

père (le/un) n.m. father SMA-G

personne (la/une) n.f. person SMA-C

petit, petite adj little / small / short (in height) SMA-D

peur (la) n.f. fear SMA-G

peut (pouvoir) vb can (to be able to) SMA-B

peut-être adv maybe / perhaps SMA-F

photo (la/une) n.f. photo SMA-J

phrase (la/une) n.f. sentence SMA-G

piano (le/un) n.m. piano VTD-C

pièce (la/une) n.f. play SMA-G

pied (le/un) n.m. food SMA-J

pizza (la/une) n.f. pizza VTD-A

place (la/une) n.f. place SMA-D

plancher (le/un) n.m. floor SMA-I

planète (la/une) n.f. planet VTD-E

pleure (pleurer) vb cry (cries), am/is/are crying (to cry) SMA-I

pluriel, plurielle adj plural SMA-H

plus adv more SMA-H

poche (la/une) n.f. pocket SMA-A

poésie (la/une) n.f. poetry VTD-E

point (le/un) n.m. point SMA-F

pointe (la/une) n.f. slice (of pizza) VTD-A*

policier (le/un) n.m. policeman VTD-E

pomme (la/une) n.f. apple VTD-C

populaire adj popular VTD-A

porte (porter) vb carry, carries, am/is/are carrying (to carry) SMA-E*

porte (porter) vb wear(s), am/is/are wearing (to wear) SMA-E

porte (la/une) n.f. door SMA-E

poubelle (la/une) n.f. garbage can VTD-B

pour prép for SMA-E

pourquoi adv why SMA-G

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pouvait (pouvoir) vb could / was able to (a past tense of to be able to) VTD-E

préfère (préférer) vb prefer(s) (to prefer) VTD-A

premier, première adj first SMA-F

prend (prendre) vb take(s), is/are taking (to take) SMA-A

prépare : se prépare (se préparer) vb prepare(s), am/is/are preparing; get(s) ready SMA-J

près de adj close to / near SMA-J

présent (le/un) n.m. present (verb tense) VTD-E

présentation (la/une) n.f. presentation SMA-J

présente (présenter) vb present(s), am/is/are presenting (to present) SMA-G

presque adv almost, nearly SMA-H

prêt, prête adj ready SMA-F

prince (le/un) n.m. prince VTD-E

princesse (la/une) n.f. princess VTD-E

prix (le/un) n.m. prize SMA-H

problème (le/un) n.m. problem SMA-E

prochain, prochaine adj next SMA-H

prononce (prononcer) vb pronounce(s), am/is/are pronouncing SMA-I

propre adj own (ma propre chemise) SMA-J

propre adj clean (une chemise propre) VTD-D

puis adv then VTD-A

pupitre (le/un) n.m. desk (for student) SMA-H

qu'est-ce que expr what..? SMA-C

Qu'est-ce qui se passe? expr What's happening? SMA-E

quand adv when SMA-B

quarante adj forty SMA-F

quatorze adj fourteen SMA-F

quatre adj four SMA-D

quatre-vingt-dix adj ninety VTD-D

quatre-vingts adj eighty VTD-D

quatrième adj fourth VTD-C

que conj that SMA-F

quel, quelle adj which SMA-H

quelqu'un pron someone SMA-F

quelque adj some / a few / any SMA-F

quelque chose pron something SMA-H

quelquefois adv sometimes VTD-E

question (la/une) n.f. question SMA-F

queue (la/une) n.f. line-up SMA-F

qui pron who SMA-D

quinze adj fifteen SMA-F

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raconte (raconter) vb tell(s), am/is/are telling (e.g. a story) (to tell) SMA-J

ramasse (ramasser) vb collect(s), am/is/are collecting; pick up, gather SMA-D

rap (le/un) n.m. rap SMA-F

rapide adj fast SMA-J

rapide adj rapid / fast / quick VTD-B

rapidement adv rapidly / fast VTD-E

rappelle : se rappelle (se rappeler) vb remembers (he/she remembers) (to remember) SMA-B

rappelle: me rappelle (se rappeler) vb remember (with subject je) (to remember) SMA-B

raquette (la/une) n.f. racket SMA-E

récréation (la/une) n.f. recess VTD-C

recule (reculer) vb back(s) up; am/is/are backing up; moves back VTD-B

regarde (regarder) vb look(s) at, am/is/are looking at; watch(es) SMA-C

règle (la/une) n.f. rule / ruler SMA-I

reine (la/une) n.f. queen VTD-E

rencontre (rencontrer) vb meet(s), am/is/are meeting (to meet) SMA-G

répète (répéter) vb repeat(s), am/is/are repeating; rehearse(s) SMA-H

répétition (la/une) n.f. practice / rehearsal (theatre, music) VTD-C

répond (répondre) vb answer(s), is/are answering (to answer) VTD-C

réponse (la/une) n.f. answer, response SMA-H

restaurant (le/un) n.m. restaurant VTD-D

reste (rester) vb stay(s), am/is/are staying (to stay) SMA-F

retourne (retourner) vb return(s), am/is/are returning; go(es) back SMA-J

réveille : se réveille (se réveiller) vb wakes up (with il / elle / on) (to wake up) VTD-D

revient (revenir) vb come(s) back, is/are coming back; return(s) VTD-C

rime (rimer) vb rhyme(s) (to rhyme) VTD-D

rime (la/une) n.f. rhyme VTD-D*

rit (rire) vb laugh(s), is/are laughing (to laugh) SMA-C

robe (la/une) n.f. dress VTD-A

roi (le/un) n.m. king VTD-E

rôle (le/un) n.m. role VTD-C

rouge adj red SMA-I

rue (la/une) n.f. street / road SMA-E

s'en aller; Va-t'en! vb to go away; Go away! VTD-C

s'est amusé (s'amuser) vb had fun (with il / elle / on) in the past tense VTD-C

s'il te plaît expr please (singular or informal) SMA-B

s'il vous plaît expr please (polite or plural) SMA-F

sa adj poss his/her (+ singular feminine noun) SMA-E

sac (le/un) n.m. purse VTD-A

sage adj well-behaved / good VTD-E

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sait (savoir) vb know(s) (to know a thing, a fact) SMA-F

salade (la/une) n.f. salad VTD-C

sale adj dirty VTD-D

salle de classe (la/une) n.f. classroom SMA-F

Salut! n.m. Hi! SMA-E

samedi n.m. Saturday SMA-C

sandwich (le/un) n.m. sandwich VTD-C

sarcastique adj sarcastic VTD-A

saute (sauter) vb jump(s), am/is/are jumping (to jump) SMA-A

savait (savoir) vb knew (a past tense of to know) VTD-E

scène (la/une) n.f. scene / stage VTD-B

sciences (les) Science VTD-D

sciences humaines (les) Social Sciences VTD-D

section (la/une) n.f. section SMA-C

seize adj sixteen SMA-F

semaine (la/une) n.f. week SMA-G

sentiment (le/un) n.m. feeling / sentiment VTD-E

sept adj seven SMA-D

septembre n.m. September SMA-C

septième adj seventh VTD-C

sérieux, sérieuse adj serious SMA-I

ses adj poss his/hers (+ plural noun) SMA-F

seul, seule adj alone / only (+ noun) SMA-J

seulement adv only SMA-A

short (le/un) n.m. shorts SMA-J

si adv so (synonyme: tellement) VTD-B

si conj if SMA-B

singulier, singulière adj singular SMA-H

six adj six SMA-D

sixième adj sixth VTD-C

soccer (le) n.m. soccer / football (in Europe) SMA-D

soeur (la/une) n.f. sister SMA-G

soir (le/un) n.m. evening VTD-A

soixante adj sixty SMA-F

soixante-dix adj seventy VTD-D

soleil (le/un) n.m. sun VTD-B

son adj poss his/her (+ singlar masculine noun) SMA-E

son (le/un) n.m. sound VTD-D

sonne (sonner) vb ring(s), am/is/are ringing (to ring) VTD-E

sont (être) vb are (ils sont = they are) (to be) SMA-G

sort (sortir) vb go(es) out, is/are going out; leave(s) (to go out) SMA-E

sorte (la/une) n.f. sort / type VTD-D

souffle (souffler) vb blow(s), am/is/are blowing (to blow) VTD-D

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soulier (le/un) n.m. shoe SMA-D

souligne (souligner) vb underline(s), am/is/are underlining (to underline) SMA-G

soupe (la/une) n.f. soup VTD-C

sourit (sourire) vb smile(s), is/are smiling (to smile) VTD-A

sous prép under SMA-G

sport (le/un) n.m. sport SMA-D

stylo (le/un) n.m. pen SMA-H

suis; je suis (être) vb am (to be); I am (to be) SMA-B

sujet (le/un) n.m. subject VTD-C

super adj super VTD-B

sur prép on, on top of SMA-C

sûr, sûre adj certain / sure VTD-D

surprise (la/une) n.f. surprise SMA-H

surprise, surprise adj surprised VTD-B

surtout adv especially VTD-B

syllabe (la/une) n.f. syllable VTD-D

T-shirt (le/un) n.m. t-shirt SMA-J

ta adj poss your (+ singular feminine noun) SMA-D

table (la/une) n.f. table SMA-H

tableau (le/un) n.m. picture / painting VTD-E

taille (tailler) vb sharpen(s), am/is/are sharpening (to sharpen) VTD-C

taille-crayon (le/un) n.m. pencil sharpener VTD-C

tante (la/une) n.f. aunt VTD-C

tard adv late SMA-I*

te pron you (e.g. je t'appelles) SMA-E

téléphone (le/un) n.m. telephone VTD-E

télévision (la/une) n.f. television SMA-G

tellement adv so / so much (synonyme: si) SMA-F

temps (le) n.m. time SMA-A

temps (le/un) n.m. weather VTD-D

tennis (le) n.m. tennis SMA-D

terminé(e) (terminer) vb finished (part of a past tense of to finish) SMA-D

tes adj poss your (+ plural noun) SMA-H

test (le/un) n.m. test SMA-C

tête (la/une) n.f. head SMA-A

thé (le/un/du) n.m. tea VTD-D

théâtre (le/un) n.m. theatre VTD-E

titre (le/un) n.m. title VTD-C

toi pron you (e.g. avec toi) SMA-B

toilettes (les) n.f. washroom / toilet SMA-B

tombe (tomber) vb fall(s), am/is/are falling (to fall) SMA-C

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ton adj poss your (+ singular masculine noun) SMA-C

tôt adv early SMA-I*

tôt ou tard expr sooner or later SMA-I*

toujours adv always SMA-J

tour (la/une) n.f. tower, e.g. la tour CN la tour Eiffel VTD-B*

tour (le/un) n.m. turn (when playing a game) VTD-B

tourne (tourner) vb turn(s), am/is/are turning (to turn) SMA-H

tous adj all (plural) SMA-A

tout à coup expr suddenly / all at once SMA-E

tout de suite expr immediately / right away VTD-B

tout le monde expr everyone SMA-A

tout, toute adj everything / all SMA-A

train (le/un) n.m. train VTD-E

trait d'union (le/un) n.m. hyphen SMA-G

tranche (la/une) n.f. slice (of bread, of meat) VTD-A

travail n.m. work SMA-C

travaille (travailler) vb work(s), am/is/are working (to work) SMA-C

treize adj thirteen SMA-F

trente adj thirty SMA-F

très adv very SMA-A

triste adj sad SMA-I

trois adj three SMA-D

troisième adj third SMA-H

trop adv too / too much SMA-E

trophée (le/un) n.m. trophy VTD-B

trouvé (trouver) vb found (part of a past tense of to find) SMA-F

tu pron you (familiar) (e.g. tu parles) SMA-A

U - Z
un art a(n), one (+ masculine noun) SMA-C

un peu expr a little SMA-F

une art a(n), one (+ feminine noun) SMA-A

utilise (utiliser) vb use(s), am/is/are using (to use) SMA-H

va (aller) vb go(es), is/are going (to go) SMA-A

vacances (les/des) holidays / vacation VTD-E

vais; je vais (aller) vb I go, I'm going (to go) SMA-F

Vas-y! expr Go! / Go to it! / Go ahead! / Go for it! VTD-B

vendredi n.m. Friday SMA-C

vent (le/un) n.m. wind VTD-D

ventre (le/un) n.m. stomach SMA-E

verbe (le/un) n.m verb SMA-I

verre (le/un) n.m. glass (to drink out of / material) VTD-A

vers prép towards VTD-A

Mon livre de mots Veux-tu danser? français --> anglais 21

Collège Havergal - novembre 2012
vert, verte adj green SMA-I

vêtements (les) n.m. clothes SMA-E

veut (vouloir) vb want(s) (to want to) SMA-B

vidéo (la/une) n.f. video VTD-C

vient (venir) vb come(s), is/are coming (to come) SMA-A

vient de expr has just (+ infinitive) VTD-E

vieux, vieille adj old SMA-J

vingt adj twenty SMA-F

violence (la/une) n.f. violence VTD-E

violet, violette adj purple VTD-D

visage (le/un) n.m. face VTD-C

vite adv quickly SMA-C

voit (voir) vb see(s), is/are seeing (to see) SMA-E

vont (aller) vb go (ils vont = they go) (to go) SMA-J

vote (voter) vb vote(s), am/is/are voting (to vote) VTD-E

voulait (vouloir) vb wanted (to) (a past tense of to want to) VTD-E

voyelle (la/une) n.f. vowel SMA-J

vrai, vraie adj true. SMA-E

vraiment adv really / truly VTD-A

yeux (les) eyes SMA-H

zéro adj zero VTD-D

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