This will also tell you if it is a verb, adjective, noun (masculine or feminine)
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a (avoir) vb has / have (with subjects il/elle/on) (to have) SMA-D
à prép to / at / in SMA-B
a besoin de / n'a pas besoin de expr needs / doesn't need VTD-A
à bientôt expr see you soon VTD-C
à côté de prép beside VTD-A
a du sens / n'a pas de sens expr makes sense / doesn't make sense VTD-D
accent aigu (l'/un) n.m. acute accent SMA-H
accent circonflexe (l'/un) n.m. circumflex accent SMA-H
accent grave (l'/un) n.m. grave accent SMA-H
accident (l'/un) n.m. accident SMA-J
achète (acheter) vb buy(s), am/is/are buying (to buy) VTD-A
acteur (l'/un) n.m. actor SMA-G
action (l' / une) n.f. action / gesture SMA-B
activité (l'/une) n.f. activity SMA-G
actrice (l'/une) n.f. actress SMA-G
adjectif (le/un) n.m. adjective SMA-I
adore (adorer) vb adore(s) (to adore) SMA-G
âge (l'/un) n.m. age VTD-C
agenda (l'/un) n.m. agenda SMA-C
ai; j'ai (avoir) vb I have (to have) SMA-B
aide (aider) vb help(s), am/is/are helping (to help) SMA-E
Aïe! excl Ouch! SMA-E
aime (aimer) vb like(s) / love(s) (to like) SMA-E
ajoute (ajouter) vb add(s), am/is/are adding (to add) SMA-I
aller vb go; to go SMA-B
alors adv so / then SMA-A
ami (l'/un) n.m. friend (male) SMA-D
amie (l'/une) n.f. friend (female) SMA-D
amusant, amusante adj amusing / fun SMA-J
amuse : s'amuse (s'amuser) vb has fun (with il / elle / on) (to have fun) VTD-B
amuse : s'amuse (s'amuser) vb has fun (with il / elle / on) (to have fun) VTD-B
an (l'/un) n.m. year (with numbers, e.g. j'ai treize ans) SMA-I
anglais (l') n.m. English (language) SMA-A
animal (l'/un), animaux n.m. animal, animals VTD-D
année (l'/une) n.f. year SMA-I
août n.m. August SMA-C
apostrophe (l'/une) n.f. apostrophe SMA-G
apparaît (apparaître) vb appear(s), is/are appearing (to appear) VTD-E
appartement (l'/un) n.m. apartment SMA-J
appelle : m'appelle (s'appeler) vb am called / named (with je) (to be called) SMA-B
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appelle : s'appelle (s'appeler) vb is called, is named (with il / elle / on) SMA-B
appelle : s'appelle (s'appeler) vb is called, is named (with il / elle / on) SMA-B
appelles : t'appelles (s'appeler) vb are called (you) (to call oneself, to be named) SMA-B
applaudit (applaudir) vb applaud(s), is/are applauding; clap(s) (to clap) VTD-B
apporte (apporter) vb bring(s), am/is/are bringing (to bring) SMA-J
apprend (apprendre) vb learn(s), is/are learning (to learn) SMA-F
appris (apprendre) vb learned (part of a past form of to learn) VTD-C
approche : s'approche (s'approcher) vb approach(es), am/is/are approaching VTD-A
approche : s'approche (s'approcher) vb approach(es), am/is/are approaching VTD-A
après prép after SMA-F
arbre (l'/un) n.m. tree VTD-D
arrange (arranger) vb arrange(s), am/is/are arranging (to arrange) VTD-A
arrête (arrêter) vb stop(s), am/is/are stopping (to stop) SMA-A
arrive (arriver) vb arrive(s), am/is/are arriving (to arrive) SMA-E
arts (les) arts VTD-E
as (avoir) vb have (with subject tu) (to have) SMA-D
assez (de) adv enough (of something) VTD-A
Assieds-toi! (s'asseoir) vb Sit down! (to sit down) SMA-B
assoit : s'assoit (s'asseoir) vb sit(s) down, is/are sitting down (to sit down) SMA-A
assoit : s'assoit (s'asseoir) vb sit(s) down, is/are sitting down (to sit down) SMA-A
attend (attendre) (attendre) vb wait(s), is/are waiting (to wait) SMA-J
Attends! excl Wait! SMA-J
attrape (attraper) vb catch(es), am/is/are catching (to catch) VTD-D
au, aux prép + article to the (plural) SMA-B
au revoir expr goodbye SMA-B
aujourd'hui adv today SMA-C
aussi adv also / too SMA-B
autour de prép around VTD-D
autre, un(e) autre adj other, another SMA-C
avait (avoir) vb had (a past form of to have) VTD-C
avant adv before SMA-F
avec prép with SMA-B
avion (l'/un) n.m. airplane SMA-J
avril n.m. April SMA-C
baiser (le/un) n.m. kiss VTD-A
balle (la/une) n.f. ball (not inflated, e.g. golf ball) SMA-E
ballon (le/un) n.m. ball (inflated, e.g. soccer ball) SMA-E
bas (le/un) n.m. sock SMA-J
baseball (le) n.m. baseball SMA-D
basketball (le) n.m. basketball SMA-D
bateau (le/un) n.m. boat VTD-E
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bâton (le/un) n.m. stick / baton SMA-J
beau adj handsome / good-looking (masculine) SMA-J
beaucoup (de) adv a lot (of) / lots (of) SMA-D
bébé (le/un) n.m. baby VTD-E
belle adj beautiful / good-looking (feminine) SMA-J
bien adv well SMA-A
bien sûr expr of course SMA-E
bientôt adv soon SMA-I
biscuit (le/un) n.m. cookie VTD-A
bizarre adj bizarre / odd / strange / peculiar SMA-E
blanc, blanche adj white SMA-I
bleu, bleue adj blue SMA-I
boit (boire) vb drink(s), is/are drinking (to drink) SMA-B
boîte (la/une) n.f. box SMA-D
bon, bonne adj good SMA-D
bonheur (le/un) n.m. happiness VTD-E
bonjour n.m. hello SMA-A
Bonne chance! expr Good luck! SMA-I*
Bonne journée! expr Have a good day! VTD-C
bouche (la/une) n.f. mouth SMA-H
bouge (bouger) vb move(s), am/is/are moving (to move) VTD-B
bras (le/un) n.m. arm VTD-B
brille (briller) vb shine(s), is shining (to shine) VTD-D
bruit (le/un) n.m. noise VTD-A
brun, brune adj brown SMA-I
c'est expr it's SMA-A
C'est dommage! expr It's too bad! / That's a shame! SMA-D
c'était expr it was SMA-J
ça pron that SMA-A
Ça marche. expr that's okay / it works SMA-J
Ça va bien. expr I'm fine / Things are going fine. SMA-B
Ça va? expr How are you? / Are you okay? SMA-B
Ça va. expr I'm okay. / It's okay. SMA-B
cache (cacher) vb hide(s), am/is/are hiding (+ noun) (to hide) VTD-A*
cache : se cache (se cacher) vb hides, is/are hiding (with il / elle / on) VTD-A
cache : se cache (se cacher) vb hides, is/are hiding (with il / elle / on) (to hide) VTD-A
café (le/un/du) n.m. coffee VTD-D
cafétéria (la/une) n.f. cafeteria VTD-A
cantonais (le) n.m. Cantonese (language) VTD-C*
capitaine (le/un) n.m. captain VTD-E
carte (la/une) n.f. card SMA-C
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casier (le/un) n.m. locker SMA-C
casquette (la/une) n.f. cap SMA-J
casse (casser) vb break(s), am/is/are breaking (to break) VTD-C
ce art this / that (+ masculine noun) SMA-D
cédille (la/une) n.f. cedilla SMA-H
cent (un) n.m. one hundred VTD-D
cercle (le/un) n.m. circle SMA-H
ces art these / those (+ plural noun) SMA-E
cette art this / that (+ feminine noun) SMA-D
chaise (la/une) n.f. chair SMA-C
chambre (la/une) n.f. bedroom VTD-E
chance (la/une) n.f. chance / luck SMA-I
chanceux, chanceuse adj lucky VTD-C
change (changer) vb change(s), am/is/are changing (to change) SMA-D
chanson (la/une) n.f. song SMA-G
chante (chanter) vb sing(s), am/is/are singing (to sing) SMA-G
chapeau (le/un) n.m. hat SMA-D
chaque adj each, every SMA-H
chat (le/un) n.m. cat SMA-J
chaud, chaude adj hot VTD-D
chemise (la/une) n.f. shirt SMA-D
chemise (la/une) n.f. folder SMA-D
cherche (chercher) vb look(s) for, am/is/are looking for (to look for) SMA-F
cheveux (les) hair VTD-A
chic adj stylish / cool / elegant VTD-C
chien (le/un) n.m. dog SMA-J
chinois (le) n.m. Chinese (language) VTD-C
choisit (choisir) vb choose(s), is/are choosing (to choose) SMA-C
chose (la/une) n.f. thing SMA-H
chuchote (chuchoter) vb whisper(s), am/is/are whispering (to whisper) VTD-A
ciel (le/un) n.m. sky SMA-J
cinq adj five SMA-D
cinquante adj fifty SMA-F
cinquième adj fifth VTD-C
classe (la/une) n.f. classe SMA-A
cloche (la/une) n.f. bell VTD-E
coeur (le/un) n.m. heart VTD-E
cogne : se cogne (se cogner) vb knock(s) against / bump(s) into each other SMA-J
cogne : se cogne (se cogner) vb knock(s) against / bump(s) into each other SMA-J
colorie (colorier) vb colour(s), am/is/are colouring (to colour) SMA-I
combien de expr how many SMA-F
comme conj like / as SMA-D
comme ci, comme ça expr so-so SMA-B
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commence (commencer) vb start(s), am/is/are starting; begin(s) (to start) SMA-A
comment adv how SMA-B
commentaire (le/un) n.m. comment VTD-E
compétition (la/une) n.f. competition SMA-J
complet, complète adj complete SMA-I
complètement adv completely SMA-J
comprend (comprendre) vb understand(s), is/are understanding (to understand) SMA-H
compte (compter) vb count(s), am/is/are counting (to count) SMA-F
concours (le/un) n.m. contest / competition VTD-B
conducteur (le/un) n.m. conductor VTD-E
conduit (conduire) vb drive(s), is/are driving (to drive) VTD-E
connaît (connaître) vb know(s) [a person] / is familiar with (to know)VTD-A
consonne (la/une) n.f. consonant SMA-J*
content, contente adj happy SMA-E
continue (continuer) vb continue(s), am/is/are continuing (to continue) SMA-G
contraction (la/une) n.f. contraction VTD-D
contraire adj opposite, contrary SMA-I
copain (le/un) n.m. friend VTD-E
copie (copier) vb copy (copies), am/is/are copying (to copy) SMA-G
copine (la/une) n.f. friend VTD-E
coréen (le) n.m. Korean (language) VTD-C
corps (le/un) n.m. body VTD-E
correct, correcte adj correct SMA-G
correctement adv correctly SMA-G
correction (la/une) n.f. correction VTD-D
corrige (corriger) vb correct(s), am/is/are correcting (to correct) SMA-H
costume (le/un) n.m. costume / man's suit SMA-J
côté (le/un) n.m. side SMA-H
couleur (la/une) n.f. colour SMA-I
couloir (le/un) n.f. hall / corridor SMA-H
coup de pied (le/un) n.m. kick SMA-E
coup de poing (le/un) n.m. punch VTD-B
coupe (couper) vb cut(s), am/is/are cutting (to cut) SMA-I
court (courir) vb run(s), is/are running (to run) SMA-A
court, courte adj short (in length) SMA-I
cousin (le/un) n.m. cousin (masculine) VTD-C
cousine (la/une) n.f. cousin (feminine) VTD-C
coussin (le/un) n.m. cushion SMA-J
couvre (couvrir) vb cover(s), am/is/are covering (to cover) VTD-A
crayon (le/un) n.m. pencil SMA-C
créatif, créative adj creative VTD-E
crée (créer) vb create(s), am/is/are creating (to create) VTD-E
crie (crier) vb shout(s), am/is/are shouting; yell(s) (to shout) SMA-I
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cuisine (la/une) n.f. kitchen VTD-D
d'accord excl alright / okay / fine / I agree SMA-E
d'habitude adv usually SMA-I
dans prép in(side) SMA-A
danse (danser) vb dance(s), am/is/are dancing (to dance) SMA-J
danse (la/une) n.f. dance SMA-J
date (la/une) n.f. date SMA-I
de prép of / from SMA-A
de rien expr you're welcome SMA-C
décembre n.m. December SMA-C
décide (décider) vb decide(s), am/is/are deciding (to decide) SMA-J
découpe (découper) vb cut(s) out, am/is/are cutting out (to cut out) SMA-I
décrit (décrire) vb describe(s), is/are describing (to describe) SMA-I
dehors adv out / outside VTD-C
déjà adv already SMA-I
déjeuner (le/un) n.m. lunch VTD-C
délicieux, délicieuse adj delicious VTD-D
demain adv tomorrow SMA-H
demande (demander) vb ask(s), am/is/are asking (to ask) SMA-G
demi, demie adj half VTD-B
depuis prép since VTD-B
depuis longtemps expr for a long time VTD-B*
dernier, dernière adj last SMA-I
derrière prép behind SMA-G
descend (descendre) vb come(s) down / go(es) down / get(s) out VTD-B
désolé, désolée adj sorry SMA-E
dessin (le/un) n.m. drawing (SMA-I), art (VTD-D) SMA-I
dessine (dessiner) vb draw(s), am/is/are drawing (to draw) SMA-I
détail (le/un) n.m. detail SMA-J
deux adj two SMA-C
deuxième adj second SMA-H
devait (devoir) vb had to (a past tense of to have to) VTD-E
devant prép in front of SMA-G
devine (deviner) vb guess(es), am/is/are guessing (to guess) VTD-C
devoirs (les) n.m. homework SMA-C
différent, différente adj different SMA-F
difficile adj difficult / hard SMA-E
dimanche n.m. Sunday SMA-C
directeur (le/un) n.m. principal (masculine) VTD-A
directrice (la/une) n.f. principal (feminine) VTD-A
disparaît (disparaître) vb disappear(s), is/are disappearing (to disappear) VTD-E
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dispute : se dispute (se disputer) vb argues, is arguing (with subjects il / elle / on) VTD-D
dispute : se dispute (se disputer) vb argues, is arguing (with subjects il / elle / on) VTD-D
disque compact (le/un) n.f. compact disc, CD SMA-G
dit (dire) vb say(s), is/are saying (to say) SMA-A
dix adj ten SMA-D
dix-huit adj eighteen SMA-F
dix-neuf adj nineteen SMA-F
dix-sept adj seventeen SMA-F
doigt (le/un) n.m. finger VTD-B
doit (devoir) vb must, has to (to have to, to be obliged to) SMA-C
donne (donner) vb give(s), am/is/are giving (to give) SMA-C
donne un coup de pied à vb kick(s), am/is/are kicking (to kick) SMA-E*
dort (dormir) vb sleep(s), is/are sleeping (to sleep) VTD-D
dos (le/un) n.m. back (body part) VTD-A
douze adj twelve SMA-F
droit (le/un); J'ai le droit de n.m. right; I have the right to (+ infinitive) VTD-B*
droite (la) n.f. right (direction) VTD-B
drôle adj funny SMA-J
DVD (le/un) n.m. DVD SMA-C
eau (l') n.f. water SMA-B
école (l'/une) n.f. school SMA-F
écoute (écouter) vb listen(s), am/is/are listening (to listen) SMA-F
écrit (écrire) vb write(s), is/are writing (to write) SMA-C
éducation physique (l') n.f. Physical Education VTD-D
efface (effacer) vb erase(s), am/is/are erasing (to erase) SMA-H
électronique adj electronic VTD-A
élève (l'/un) n.m. student / pupil (masculine) VTD-C
élève (l'/une) n.f. student / pupil (feminine) VTD-C
elle pron she SMA-B
elles pron they (feminine) VTD-A
embarrassé, embarrassée adj embarrassed VTD-A
en prép in / to SMA-A
en arrière prép behind / at the back VTD-C
en bas adv below / down / at the bottom SMA-H
en courant expr running VTD-B
en haut adv above / up / at the top SMA-H
encercle (encercler) vb circle(s), am/is/are circling (to circle) SMA-H
encore adv again SMA-E
enlève (enlever) vb remove(s), am/is/are removing; take(s) off SMA-D
enseignant (l'/un) n.m. instructor (male) SMA-F
enseignante (l'/une) n.f. instructor (female) SMA-F
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enseigne (enseigner) vb teach(es), am/is/are teaching (to teach) SMA-F
ensemble adv together SMA-F
entend (entendre) vb hear(s), is/are hearing (to hear) SMA-J
entraînement (l'/un) n.m. practice (sports) VTD-C*
entre prép between VTD-D
entre (entrer) vb go(es) in, am/is/are going in; enter(s) (to enter) SMA-E
entrée (l'/une) n.f. entrance VTD-C
envie (l'/une); j'ai envie de (+ inf) n.f. desire / longing; I feel like (vb)-ing VTD-B
épaule (l'/une) n.f. shoulder SMA-E
équipe (l'/une) n.f. team VTD-C
erreur (l'/une) n.f. error / mistake VTD-C
es/est (être) vb are/is (tu es = you are; il est = he is) (to be) SMA-A
escalier (l'/un) n.m. stairs / staircase VTD-E
espace (l'/un) n.m. space SMA-H
espagnol (l') n.m. Spanish (language) VTD-C
espère (espérer) vb hope(s), am/is/are hoping (to hope) SMA-E
essaie (essayer) vb try (tries), am/is/are trying (to try) SMA-E
est-ce que expr starts a yes/no question SMA-B
et conj and SMA-A
était (être) vb was (past form of to be) SMA-J
être vb be; to be SMA-F
étudie (étudier) vb study (studies), am/is/are studying (to study) SMA-C
évaluation (l'/une) n.f. evaluation VTD-E
excellent, excellente adj excellent SMA-H
excepté prép except SMA-I
explique (expliquer) vb explain(s), am/is/are explaining (to explain) VTD-D
expression (l'/une) n.f. expression SMA-G
extérieur (l') n.m. exterior / outside VTD-B
extraterrestre (l'/un) n.m. extraterrestrial VTD-E
fâché, fâchée adj angry SMA-E
facile adj easy SMA-H
fait (faire) vb do(es), is/are doing; make(s), is/are making (to do) SMA-B
fait attention (faire attention) vb pay(s) attention, is/are paying attention SMA-J
famille (la/une) n.f. family SMA-G
fantastique adj fantastic SMA-A
fatigué, fatiguée adj tired SMA-I
faute (la/une) n.f. mistake SMA-H
faux, fausse adj false. SMA-J
favori, favorite adj favorite SMA-J
félicitations! expr congratulations! VTD-B
féminin, féminine adj feminine SMA-H
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fenêtre (la/une) n.f. window VTD-C
ferme (fermer) vb shut(s), am/is/are shutting (to shut) SMA-A
feuille d'activité (la/une) n.f. activity sheet SMA-H
feuille de papier (la/une) n.f. piece of paper SMA-B
février n.m. February SMA-C
fier, fière adj proud VTD-A
fille (la/une) n.f. girl / daughter SMA-D
film (le/un) n.m. film / movie SMA-J
filme (filmer) vb film(s), am/is/are filming (to film) SMA-J
fin (la/une) n.f. end SMA-E
finalement adv finally VTD-B
finit (finir) vb finish(es), is/are finishing (to finish) SMA-B
fois (la/une) n.f. time (e.g. three times) SMA-F
font (faire) vb do with subject ils (they do / are doing) SMA-G
football (le/un) n.m. football VTD-E
fort adv loudly / strongly / hard SMA-E
fort, forte adj strong / loud SMA-E
fou, folle adj crazy / silly SMA-B
français (le) n.m. French (language) SMA-A
frappe (frapper) vb knock(s), am/is/are knocking (to knock) SMA-E
frappe (frapper) vb hit(s), am/is/are hitting (to hit) SMA-C
frère (le/un) n.m. brother SMA-G
froid, froide adj cold VTD-D
frustré, frustrée adj frustrated VTD-A
futur (le/un) n.m. future VTD-D
gagnant (le/un) n.m. winner (masculine) VTD-B
gagnante (la/une) n.f. winner (feminine) VTD-B
gagne (gagner) vb win(s), am/is/are winning (to win) SMA-H
gant (le/un) n.m. glove SMA-J
garçon (le/un) n.m. boy SMA-D
garde (garder) vb keep(s), am/is/are keeping (to keep) VTD-C
gâteau (le/un) n.m. cake VTD-D
gauche (la) n.f. left VTD-B
gêné, gênée adj embarrassed / uncomfortable / shy VTD-A
genou (le/un) n.m. knee SMA-E
gens (les/des) people VTD-C
gentil, gentille adj nice / kind SMA-E
gomme (la/une) n.f. eraser SMA-H
grammaire (la) n.f. grammar SMA-H
grand-maman (la/une) n.f. grandma / granny / nana SMA-G
grand-mère (la/une) n.f. grandmother SMA-G
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grand-papa (le/un) n.m. grandpa / grandad / gramps SMA-G
grand-père (le/un) n.m. grandfather SMA-G
grand, grande adj big / large / tall SMA-D
grenouille (la/une) n.f. frog VTD-E
gris, grise adj grey SMA-I
groupe (le/un) n.m. group SMA-F
guillemet (le/un) n.m. quotation mark SMA-I
guitare (la/une) n.f. guitar VTD-C
gymnase (le/un) n.m. gymnasium VTD-B
habite (habiter) vb live(s), am/is/are living (to live) SMA-J
heure (l'/une) n.f. hour (SMA-E); o'clock (VTD-B) SMA-E
hier adv yesterday SMA-J
histoire (l'/une) n.f. story SMA-E
huit adj eight SMA-D
huitième adj eighth VTD-C
ici adv here SMA-A
idée (l'/une) n.f. idea SMA-G
il pron he SMA-B
il donne un coup de poing à X expr he punches X VTD-B*
il faut expr it is necessary VTD-C
il neige expr it's snowing VTD-D
il pleut expr it's raining VTD-D
il y a expr there is / there are SMA-D
ils pron they (masculine) SMA-G
image (l'/une) n.f. picture / image SMA-J
imagine (imaginer) vb imagine(s), am/is/are imagining (to imagine) VTD-D
impatient, impatient(e) adj impatient VTD-B
important, importante adj important SMA-I
impressionné, impressionnée adj impressed SMA-J
infinitif (le/un) n.m. infinitive SMA-I
inquiet, inquiète adj worried SMA-E
intelligent, intelligent adj intelligent, smart SMA-I
intéressant, intéressante adj interesting VTD-D
intérieur (l') n.m. interior / inside VTD-B
interrompt (interrompre) vb interrupt(s); is/are interrupting (to interrupt) VTD-B
invite (inviter) vb invite(s), am/is/are inviting (to invite) SMA-E
italien (l') n.m. Italian (language) VTD-C
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j'ai envie de (+ infinitif) expr I feel like (vb)-ing VTD-B*
j'ai faim expr I'm hungry VTD-B
j'ai peur! expr I'm afraid! SMA-G
jaloux, jalouse adj jealous VTD-E
janvier n.m. January SMA-C
japonais (le) n.m. Japanese (language) VTD-C
jaune adj yellow SMA-I
je pron I SMA-B
Je ne sais pas. expr I don't know. SMA-E
Je sais! expr I know! SMA-H
jeu (le/un) n.m. game (e.g. Monopoly, Simon says) SMA-F
jeudi n.m. Thursday SMA-C
joue (jouer) vb play(s), am/is/are playing (to play) SMA-C
joueur (le/un) n.m. player SMA-D
jour (le/un) n.m. day SMA-E
juillet n.m. July SMA-C
juin n.m. June SMA-C
jupe (la/une) n.f. skirt VTD-A
jusqu'à prép as far as / up to / until VTD-C
la art the (+ feminine noun) SMA-A
là-bas adv over there SMA-B
laisse (laisser) vb leave(s), am/is/are leaving (+ noun) (to leave) SMA-H
lait (le/un) n.m. milk VTD-A
lance (lancer) vb throw(s), am/is/are throwing (to throw) SMA-E
langue (la/une) n.f. language VTD-C
lave : se lave (se laver) vb gets washed (with subjects il / elle / on) VTD-D
le art the (+ masculine noun) SMA-A
lecteur de disque compact (le/un) n.m. CD player SMA-G
lentement adv slowly SMA-C
les art the (+ plural noun) SMA-B
lettre (la/une) n.f. letter SMA-G
leur adj poss their (+ singular noun) VTD-C
lève (lever) vb raise(s), am/is/are raising; lift(s) (to raise) SMA-D
lève : se lève (se lever) vb gets up (to get up) SMA-C
Lève-toi! (se lever) vb Stand up!/ Get up! (to get up) SMA-B
ligne (la/une) n.f. line SMA-G
liste (la/une) n.f. list VTD-D
lit (lire) vb read(s), is/are reading (to read) SMA-B
livre (le/un) n.m. book SMA-F
loin de adj far from SMA-J
long, longue adj long SMA-I
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longtemps adv a long time VTD-B
lu (lire) vb read (part of a past tense of to read) VTD-C
lui pron him / her; to him / her; at him / her (VTD-A) SMA-J
lumière (la/une) n.f. light VTD-E
lundi n.m. Monday SMA-C
lunettes (les/des) glasses VTD-B
ma adj poss my (+ singular feminine noun) SMA-D
madame n.f. Ms. / Mrs. / ma'am SMA-B
magasin (le/un) n.m. store VTD-A
magicien (le/un) n.m. magician VTD-E
magie (la/une) n.f. magic VTD-E
magnifique adj magnificent VTD-E
mai n.m. May SMA-C
main (la/une) n.f. hand SMA-D
maintenant adv now SMA-A
mais conj but SMA-B
maison (la/une) n.f. house SMA-B
majuscule adj capital / upper-case SMA-G
mal adv badly / poorly / not well SMA-B
malade adj sick SMA-D
maman (la/une) n.f. mom / mommy SMA-G
mandarin (le) n.m. Mandarin (language) VTD-C*
mange (manger) vb eat(s), am/is/are eating (to eat) SMA-G
manque (manquer) vb miss(es), is missing (to miss) SMA-I
manteau (le/un) n.m. coat SMA-D
marche (marcher) vb walk(s), am/is/are walking (to walk) SMA-A
mardi n.m. Tuesday SMA-C
marionnette (la/une) n.f. puppet SMA-I
mars n.m. March SMA-C
masculin, masculine adj masculine SMA-H
match (le/un) n.m. game (sports) SMA-J
mathématiques (les) mathematics VTD-D
me pron me (e.g. je m'appelle) SMA-E
méchant, méchante adj mean / nasty / wicked / naughty SMA-G
meilleur, meilleure adj better SMA-G
même adj same SMA-I
même adv even SMA-I*
mémorise (mémoriser) vb memorise(s), am/is/are memorizing (to memorize) SMA-C
merci excl thank you SMA-A
mercredi n.m. Wednesday SMA-C
mère (la/une) n.f. mother SMA-G
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mérite (mériter) vb deserve(s) (to deserve) SMA-I
mes adj poss my (+ plural noun) SMA-H
met (mettre) vb put(s), is/are putting (to put) SMA-A
mieux adv better VTD-B
mille (un) n.m. thousand SMA-I
mille (un) n.m. one thousand VTD-D
minuscule adj small / lower-case SMA-G
minute (la/une) n.f. minute SMA-J
mis; j'ai mis (mettre) vb I put / I put on (a past tense of to put/on) VTD-B
moi pron me (e.g. avec moi) SMA-E
mois (le/un) n.m. month SMA-I
mon adj poss my (+ singular masculine noun) SMA-C
monsieur n.m. Mr. / sir SMA-B
monte (monter) vb climb(s) / go(es) up / get(s) into (to go up) VTD-D
montre (montrer) vb show(s), am/is/are showing (to show) SMA-E
montre (la/une) n.f. watch / wristwatch VTD-B
morceau (le/un) n.m. piece (of cake, of music) VTD-A*
mot (le/un) n.f. word SMA-B
mou, molle adj soft SMA-J
mouvement (le/un) n.m. movement VTD-B
musique (la/une) n.f. music SMA-I
n'est-ce pas? expr isn't it? / doesn't it? / isn't that right? SMA-E
n'importe qui expr anyone (at all) VTD-A
narrateur (le/un) n.m. narrator (masculine) VTD-A
narratrice (la/une) n.f. narrator (feminine) VTD-A
ne adv not (when used with pas) SMA-C
ne .. jamais adv never VTD-B
ne … personne pron no one VTD-D
ne … plus adv not any more / no longer SMA-E
nécessaire adj necessary VTD-E
négatif (le/un) n.m. negative VTD-D
neuf adj nine SMA-D
nez (le/un) n.m. nose VTD-A
ni conj neither / nor VTD-E
noir, noire adj black SMA-I
nom (le/un) n.m. name / noun SMA-C
nombre (le/un) n.m. number SMA-F
non adv no SMA-B
notre adj poss our (+ singular noun, masc or fem) SMA-F
nouveau, nouvelle adj new SMA-E
novembre n.m. November SMA-C
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nuage (le/un) n.m. cloud VTD-D
nuageux adj cloudy VTD-D
nuit (la/une) n.f. night VTD-C
numéro (le/un) n.m. number SMA-H
occupé, occupée adj busy VTD-A
octobre n.m October SMA-C
on pron one / you / people SMA-B
oncle (l'/un) n.m. uncle VTD-C
ont (avoir) vb have (ils ont = they have) (to have) SMA-I
onze adj eleven SMA-F
orange adj orange VTD-D
ordinateur (l'/un) n.m. computer VTD-C
ordre (l'/un) n.m. order SMA-I
oreille (l'/une) n.f. ear SMA-J
orthographe (l') n.f. spelling SMA-H
ou conj or SMA-C
où adv where SMA-B
oublié; j'ai oublié (oublier) vb I forgot (a past tense of to forget) SMA-B
oui adv yes SMA-B
ouvre (ouvrir) vb open(s), am/is/are opening (to open) SMA-A
page (la/une) n.f. page SMA-H
pansement (le/un) n.m. bandage SMA-E
pantalon (le/un) n.m. pants SMA-J
papa (le/un) n.m. dad / daddy SMA-G
par prép by SMA-F
par accident expr by accident SMA-J
par exemple expr for example SMA-F
par terre expr on the ground VTD-B
parachutisme (le) n.m. parachuting SMA-E
paraphrase (la/une) n.f. paraphrase SMA-J
parce que conj because SMA-C
pardon n.m. sorry / I beg your pardon SMA-B
parent (le/un) n.m. parent VTD-C
parfait, parfaite adj perfect VTD-A
parle (parler) vb talk(s), am/is/are talking; speak(s) (to talk) SMA-A
parlé (parler) vb talked, spoken (part of a past tense of to talk) SMA-D
part (partir) vb leave(s), is/are leaving; depart(s) (to leave) VTD-B
partenaire (la/une) n.f. partner (feminine) SMA-H
partenaire (le/un) n.m. partner (masculine) SMA-H
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partie (la/une) n.f. part VTD-E
partout adv everywhere SMA-G
pas adv not SMA-A
pas du tout expr not at all VTD-B
passe (passer) vb pass(es), am/is/are passing; hand(s) out SMA-D
passé (le/un) n.m. past VTD-C
passe-temps (le/un) n.m. hobby / pastime VTD-B
pauvre adj poor SMA-J
peigne : se peigne (se peigner) vb combs, is/are combing (with il / elle / on) VTD-A
pendant prép during / for / while VTD-B
pense (penser) vb think(s), am/is/are thinking (to think) SMA-D
perdu (perdre) vb lost (part of a past tense of to lose) VTD-E
père (le/un) n.m. father SMA-G
personne (la/une) n.f. person SMA-C
petit, petite adj little / small / short (in height) SMA-D
peur (la) n.f. fear SMA-G
peut (pouvoir) vb can (to be able to) SMA-B
peut-être adv maybe / perhaps SMA-F
photo (la/une) n.f. photo SMA-J
phrase (la/une) n.f. sentence SMA-G
piano (le/un) n.m. piano VTD-C
pièce (la/une) n.f. play SMA-G
pied (le/un) n.m. food SMA-J
pizza (la/une) n.f. pizza VTD-A
place (la/une) n.f. place SMA-D
plancher (le/un) n.m. floor SMA-I
planète (la/une) n.f. planet VTD-E
pleure (pleurer) vb cry (cries), am/is/are crying (to cry) SMA-I
pluriel, plurielle adj plural SMA-H
plus adv more SMA-H
poche (la/une) n.f. pocket SMA-A
poésie (la/une) n.f. poetry VTD-E
point (le/un) n.m. point SMA-F
pointe (la/une) n.f. slice (of pizza) VTD-A*
policier (le/un) n.m. policeman VTD-E
pomme (la/une) n.f. apple VTD-C
populaire adj popular VTD-A
porte (porter) vb carry, carries, am/is/are carrying (to carry) SMA-E*
porte (porter) vb wear(s), am/is/are wearing (to wear) SMA-E
porte (la/une) n.f. door SMA-E
poubelle (la/une) n.f. garbage can VTD-B
pour prép for SMA-E
pourquoi adv why SMA-G
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pouvait (pouvoir) vb could / was able to (a past tense of to be able to) VTD-E
préfère (préférer) vb prefer(s) (to prefer) VTD-A
premier, première adj first SMA-F
prend (prendre) vb take(s), is/are taking (to take) SMA-A
prépare : se prépare (se préparer) vb prepare(s), am/is/are preparing; get(s) ready SMA-J
près de adj close to / near SMA-J
présent (le/un) n.m. present (verb tense) VTD-E
présentation (la/une) n.f. presentation SMA-J
présente (présenter) vb present(s), am/is/are presenting (to present) SMA-G
presque adv almost, nearly SMA-H
prêt, prête adj ready SMA-F
prince (le/un) n.m. prince VTD-E
princesse (la/une) n.f. princess VTD-E
prix (le/un) n.m. prize SMA-H
problème (le/un) n.m. problem SMA-E
prochain, prochaine adj next SMA-H
prononce (prononcer) vb pronounce(s), am/is/are pronouncing SMA-I
propre adj own (ma propre chemise) SMA-J
propre adj clean (une chemise propre) VTD-D
puis adv then VTD-A
pupitre (le/un) n.m. desk (for student) SMA-H
qu'est-ce que expr what..? SMA-C
Qu'est-ce qui se passe? expr What's happening? SMA-E
quand adv when SMA-B
quarante adj forty SMA-F
quatorze adj fourteen SMA-F
quatre adj four SMA-D
quatre-vingt-dix adj ninety VTD-D
quatre-vingts adj eighty VTD-D
quatrième adj fourth VTD-C
que conj that SMA-F
quel, quelle adj which SMA-H
quelqu'un pron someone SMA-F
quelque adj some / a few / any SMA-F
quelque chose pron something SMA-H
quelquefois adv sometimes VTD-E
question (la/une) n.f. question SMA-F
queue (la/une) n.f. line-up SMA-F
qui pron who SMA-D
quinze adj fifteen SMA-F
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raconte (raconter) vb tell(s), am/is/are telling (e.g. a story) (to tell) SMA-J
ramasse (ramasser) vb collect(s), am/is/are collecting; pick up, gather SMA-D
rap (le/un) n.m. rap SMA-F
rapide adj fast SMA-J
rapide adj rapid / fast / quick VTD-B
rapidement adv rapidly / fast VTD-E
rappelle : se rappelle (se rappeler) vb remembers (he/she remembers) (to remember) SMA-B
rappelle: me rappelle (se rappeler) vb remember (with subject je) (to remember) SMA-B
raquette (la/une) n.f. racket SMA-E
récréation (la/une) n.f. recess VTD-C
recule (reculer) vb back(s) up; am/is/are backing up; moves back VTD-B
regarde (regarder) vb look(s) at, am/is/are looking at; watch(es) SMA-C
règle (la/une) n.f. rule / ruler SMA-I
reine (la/une) n.f. queen VTD-E
rencontre (rencontrer) vb meet(s), am/is/are meeting (to meet) SMA-G
répète (répéter) vb repeat(s), am/is/are repeating; rehearse(s) SMA-H
répétition (la/une) n.f. practice / rehearsal (theatre, music) VTD-C
répond (répondre) vb answer(s), is/are answering (to answer) VTD-C
réponse (la/une) n.f. answer, response SMA-H
restaurant (le/un) n.m. restaurant VTD-D
reste (rester) vb stay(s), am/is/are staying (to stay) SMA-F
retourne (retourner) vb return(s), am/is/are returning; go(es) back SMA-J
réveille : se réveille (se réveiller) vb wakes up (with il / elle / on) (to wake up) VTD-D
revient (revenir) vb come(s) back, is/are coming back; return(s) VTD-C
rime (rimer) vb rhyme(s) (to rhyme) VTD-D
rime (la/une) n.f. rhyme VTD-D*
rit (rire) vb laugh(s), is/are laughing (to laugh) SMA-C
robe (la/une) n.f. dress VTD-A
roi (le/un) n.m. king VTD-E
rôle (le/un) n.m. role VTD-C
rouge adj red SMA-I
rue (la/une) n.f. street / road SMA-E
s'en aller; Va-t'en! vb to go away; Go away! VTD-C
s'est amusé (s'amuser) vb had fun (with il / elle / on) in the past tense VTD-C
s'il te plaît expr please (singular or informal) SMA-B
s'il vous plaît expr please (polite or plural) SMA-F
sa adj poss his/her (+ singular feminine noun) SMA-E
sac (le/un) n.m. purse VTD-A
sage adj well-behaved / good VTD-E
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sait (savoir) vb know(s) (to know a thing, a fact) SMA-F
salade (la/une) n.f. salad VTD-C
sale adj dirty VTD-D
salle de classe (la/une) n.f. classroom SMA-F
Salut! n.m. Hi! SMA-E
samedi n.m. Saturday SMA-C
sandwich (le/un) n.m. sandwich VTD-C
sarcastique adj sarcastic VTD-A
saute (sauter) vb jump(s), am/is/are jumping (to jump) SMA-A
savait (savoir) vb knew (a past tense of to know) VTD-E
scène (la/une) n.f. scene / stage VTD-B
sciences (les) Science VTD-D
sciences humaines (les) Social Sciences VTD-D
section (la/une) n.f. section SMA-C
seize adj sixteen SMA-F
semaine (la/une) n.f. week SMA-G
sentiment (le/un) n.m. feeling / sentiment VTD-E
sept adj seven SMA-D
septembre n.m. September SMA-C
septième adj seventh VTD-C
sérieux, sérieuse adj serious SMA-I
ses adj poss his/hers (+ plural noun) SMA-F
seul, seule adj alone / only (+ noun) SMA-J
seulement adv only SMA-A
short (le/un) n.m. shorts SMA-J
si adv so (synonyme: tellement) VTD-B
si conj if SMA-B
singulier, singulière adj singular SMA-H
six adj six SMA-D
sixième adj sixth VTD-C
soccer (le) n.m. soccer / football (in Europe) SMA-D
soeur (la/une) n.f. sister SMA-G
soir (le/un) n.m. evening VTD-A
soixante adj sixty SMA-F
soixante-dix adj seventy VTD-D
soleil (le/un) n.m. sun VTD-B
son adj poss his/her (+ singlar masculine noun) SMA-E
son (le/un) n.m. sound VTD-D
sonne (sonner) vb ring(s), am/is/are ringing (to ring) VTD-E
sont (être) vb are (ils sont = they are) (to be) SMA-G
sort (sortir) vb go(es) out, is/are going out; leave(s) (to go out) SMA-E
sorte (la/une) n.f. sort / type VTD-D
souffle (souffler) vb blow(s), am/is/are blowing (to blow) VTD-D
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soulier (le/un) n.m. shoe SMA-D
souligne (souligner) vb underline(s), am/is/are underlining (to underline) SMA-G
soupe (la/une) n.f. soup VTD-C
sourit (sourire) vb smile(s), is/are smiling (to smile) VTD-A
sous prép under SMA-G
sport (le/un) n.m. sport SMA-D
stylo (le/un) n.m. pen SMA-H
suis; je suis (être) vb am (to be); I am (to be) SMA-B
sujet (le/un) n.m. subject VTD-C
super adj super VTD-B
sur prép on, on top of SMA-C
sûr, sûre adj certain / sure VTD-D
surprise (la/une) n.f. surprise SMA-H
surprise, surprise adj surprised VTD-B
surtout adv especially VTD-B
syllabe (la/une) n.f. syllable VTD-D
T-shirt (le/un) n.m. t-shirt SMA-J
ta adj poss your (+ singular feminine noun) SMA-D
table (la/une) n.f. table SMA-H
tableau (le/un) n.m. picture / painting VTD-E
taille (tailler) vb sharpen(s), am/is/are sharpening (to sharpen) VTD-C
taille-crayon (le/un) n.m. pencil sharpener VTD-C
tante (la/une) n.f. aunt VTD-C
tard adv late SMA-I*
te pron you (e.g. je t'appelles) SMA-E
téléphone (le/un) n.m. telephone VTD-E
télévision (la/une) n.f. television SMA-G
tellement adv so / so much (synonyme: si) SMA-F
temps (le) n.m. time SMA-A
temps (le/un) n.m. weather VTD-D
tennis (le) n.m. tennis SMA-D
terminé(e) (terminer) vb finished (part of a past tense of to finish) SMA-D
tes adj poss your (+ plural noun) SMA-H
test (le/un) n.m. test SMA-C
tête (la/une) n.f. head SMA-A
thé (le/un/du) n.m. tea VTD-D
théâtre (le/un) n.m. theatre VTD-E
titre (le/un) n.m. title VTD-C
toi pron you (e.g. avec toi) SMA-B
toilettes (les) n.f. washroom / toilet SMA-B
tombe (tomber) vb fall(s), am/is/are falling (to fall) SMA-C
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ton adj poss your (+ singular masculine noun) SMA-C
tôt adv early SMA-I*
tôt ou tard expr sooner or later SMA-I*
toujours adv always SMA-J
tour (la/une) n.f. tower, e.g. la tour CN la tour Eiffel VTD-B*
tour (le/un) n.m. turn (when playing a game) VTD-B
tourne (tourner) vb turn(s), am/is/are turning (to turn) SMA-H
tous adj all (plural) SMA-A
tout à coup expr suddenly / all at once SMA-E
tout de suite expr immediately / right away VTD-B
tout le monde expr everyone SMA-A
tout, toute adj everything / all SMA-A
train (le/un) n.m. train VTD-E
trait d'union (le/un) n.m. hyphen SMA-G
tranche (la/une) n.f. slice (of bread, of meat) VTD-A
travail n.m. work SMA-C
travaille (travailler) vb work(s), am/is/are working (to work) SMA-C
treize adj thirteen SMA-F
trente adj thirty SMA-F
très adv very SMA-A
triste adj sad SMA-I
trois adj three SMA-D
troisième adj third SMA-H
trop adv too / too much SMA-E
trophée (le/un) n.m. trophy VTD-B
trouvé (trouver) vb found (part of a past tense of to find) SMA-F
tu pron you (familiar) (e.g. tu parles) SMA-A
U - Z
un art a(n), one (+ masculine noun) SMA-C
un peu expr a little SMA-F
une art a(n), one (+ feminine noun) SMA-A
utilise (utiliser) vb use(s), am/is/are using (to use) SMA-H
va (aller) vb go(es), is/are going (to go) SMA-A
vacances (les/des) holidays / vacation VTD-E
vais; je vais (aller) vb I go, I'm going (to go) SMA-F
Vas-y! expr Go! / Go to it! / Go ahead! / Go for it! VTD-B
vendredi n.m. Friday SMA-C
vent (le/un) n.m. wind VTD-D
ventre (le/un) n.m. stomach SMA-E
verbe (le/un) n.m verb SMA-I
verre (le/un) n.m. glass (to drink out of / material) VTD-A
vers prép towards VTD-A
Mon livre de mots Veux-tu danser? français --> anglais 21
Collège Havergal - novembre 2012
vert, verte adj green SMA-I
vêtements (les) n.m. clothes SMA-E
veut (vouloir) vb want(s) (to want to) SMA-B
vidéo (la/une) n.f. video VTD-C
vient (venir) vb come(s), is/are coming (to come) SMA-A
vient de expr has just (+ infinitive) VTD-E
vieux, vieille adj old SMA-J
vingt adj twenty SMA-F
violence (la/une) n.f. violence VTD-E
violet, violette adj purple VTD-D
visage (le/un) n.m. face VTD-C
vite adv quickly SMA-C
voit (voir) vb see(s), is/are seeing (to see) SMA-E
vont (aller) vb go (ils vont = they go) (to go) SMA-J
vote (voter) vb vote(s), am/is/are voting (to vote) VTD-E
voulait (vouloir) vb wanted (to) (a past tense of to want to) VTD-E
voyelle (la/une) n.f. vowel SMA-J
vrai, vraie adj true. SMA-E
vraiment adv really / truly VTD-A
yeux (les) eyes SMA-H
zéro adj zero VTD-D
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