Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Grade 8 course outline

Dear parents/guardians,

The French program that we are using this year is called Jeunesse en action ! It is based upon the use of stories, drama and music to help students learn to develop oral and written fluency as quickly as possible. Specifically designed stories that are written in the form of plays become the focus for a range of motivating language activities that help students develop confidence and competence in the language as they progress through each kit.

   There is an equal emphasis on the development or both oral and written skills. Grammar is taught inductively, which means that students learn to acquire grammar in a way that resembles the way we learn our first language. Once the concept has been acquired, the students learn the grammar rule, so that it becomes meaningful to them and they learn to apply it during the editing process.

   There is a strong emphasis on the development of literary skills in Jeunesse en action! and your daughter/son will have many opportunities to write creatively throughout the program. Students may also have the opportunity to be introduced to a series of readers that has been created specifically to accompany this program.

   Another component of this program is the Gesture Approach, a technique that uses hand signs to help students learn and remember this important vocabulary found in the plays, songs and other activities.

   There is an equal, strong emphasis on the development of all four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) through a program that meets the needs of all language learners and their learning styles. Activities are varied, so that students have the opportunity to work individually, in partners, in small groups and as a whole class.

In order to do well in French this year, your daughter/son will:

    - participate actively in class, speaking only in French;

    - learn the words introduced in class;

    - participate in songs, dances and games with enthusiasm;

    - keep corrections up to date;

    - seek help when needed;

    - memorize the play;

    - work cooperatively with peers while working with a partner or in her/his play group;

    - participate with enthusiasm;

    - complete work on time, both in-class work, homework and  preparation for tests;

    - stay focused and productive in class.



There is a DVD in the library that students can sign out.  They can practice the gestures and watch the play at home.  It is a valuable tool, the more work they do at home the more they will understand the story.  There are several ways to watch the French DVD:

- watch with the sound and subtitles for the play, raps and gestures, and repeat;

- watch the gestures without the sound and say each word as it is gestured;

- listen and gesture the words. 

Student will be expected to complete some written work at home, in addition to reviewing the material covered.  Once we start practicing our play, "Salut Mon Ami", students will have a minimum of 5 minutes of homework per night.  Each student should be memorizing their part of the play.  This will also help when our vocabulary tests start.



Oral/Speaking          50%

Reading                     25%

Writing                       25%   

Students will be assessed on their ability to:

- identify the words associated with gestures learned;

- pronounce words correctly;

- answer questions both orally and in writing;

- memorize the play;

- perform the play;

- use French spontaneously, both with the teacher and with peers;

- learn to identify grammar concepts and correct errors as they speak or write;

- retell the play, both orally and in writing;

- perform well on tests.

There will be short tests throughout the year that will allow your daughter/son to receive ongoing feedback with respect to her/his progress and areas of strength and weakness.

 Classroom rules

The one rule I have is that students speak only in French, English is not to be used in the classroom.


I am looking forward to working with your child. Please don’t hesitate to email ( if you have any questions regarding this course outline or your daughter/son’s progress. Please encourage your daughter/son to share with you what and how s/he is learning in French class. Establishing a link between home and school is a very important aspect of this French program.


Mr. Steinhoff                            
 Web site:

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